Not only that, but working sometimes off of a worktape, without all of the lines looped correctly and under a strict deadline.
I always wondered about the out of sync-ness, sometimes. There have been some shows where the words to the song over the montage aren't the ones that are in the captioning.
Hahah, but they LOVE you over there! I get IM's saying "Allyson just posted!!!" and stuff! (Seriously. Three times so far).
I am BNF, hear me roar. Seriously, last week someone asked me if I was ever a Bronzer.
I think the party will help a bit. I just got the king of all RSVPs today, in the affirmative, so that's eased my troubled mind.
Oh ho! Now we know why Jack is so standoffish with Kate.
Lose one, gain one.
I dunno, still never heard him say "I do." Many a slip.
Do you really think this death is dead?
He actually went through with the wedding? Color me surprised. For a minute there, he honestly had me thinking that we was going to call it off
right there at the altar.
Sayonara, Boone.
I thought it was interesting that the contractions and birth coincided with Boone's ebb and flow of life.
I wonder if Claire's baby being born depended on X number of people dying on the island.
I need to rewatch -- I was cooking dinner through some of this.
Man. Do we think it's really most sincerely dead?