Hahahah. This *debate* actually casued me to leave The Fuselage for a few days....
Was there a consensus regarding the response about there being no survivors of flight 815?
The voice on the radio said "No... We're the Survivors of Oceanic Flight Eight One Five"
It's all there, underneath Locke yelling "Boooone...."
As far as I can tell, the line on the ABC recap was not changed, just cleared up a little so as to remove distracting background noises. The words spoken are the same in the aired episode. At no point in the episode did anyone say the (commonly misheard) "...no survivors...." line. That "interpretation" comes simply from people who, rather than listening closely to the line read the Closed Captioning, which incorrectly transcribed the line. Of course such things spread across the interweb to the point that sites such as TV Tome believe that the incorrect mishearing was actually present in the episode. Maybe they should go back and listen to it?
It is not the first time that the Closed Captioning has been wrong. During Whatever The Case May Be, the CC's described Kate as talking about Safety Depoist Box 850, when it was in fact 815.
If the producers don't give the CC house a script (and a lot don't--we caption
Will & Grace,
for example, and have never gotten a script), they are working off of the audio, same as anyone listening. Not only that, but working sometimes off of a worktape, without all of the lines looped correctly and under a strict deadline. We really really hate being incorrect, but sometimes it can't be helped.
Some captioning errors are very funny. In this scene with all the other noises I can easily see how a worktape might not be clear. I heard the claim that they were the survivors, but it may have been because I thought that option was cool.
To add to the captioning error discussion, the Anya lyric that was captioned "She doesn't know what pleases," which I felt should have been, "She doesn't know what please is."
She doesn't know what please is."
That was the line, but to be fair, it's kind of hard to tell in the audio.
Hahahah. This *debate* actually casued me to leave The Fuselage for a few days....
I don't really feel connected to the community there the way I did with Firefly, Buffy, or Angel. I never even knew a Wonderfalls fandom separate from here.
Anywho, I've been keeping a loaded gun by my side since yesterday, given the amount of speculation about Fury leaving LOST.
Stick to the loaded tongue. It's safer.
Cool, I've got the whole thread to myself. I can go CRAXY!!!
Jack had a fiancee, how do you like that? Her hero. Doesn't bode well for a marriage there.
That marriage ain't gonna happen. And it'll all be Jack's Dad's fault, you mark my words.
It's nice to see Sun and Jin interacting again. At the same time, Jack and Sun have an interesting vibe going - not in the shippy sense, but I like the back-and-forth.
If we don't see Locke and the hatch in this episode, I am going to be
The fact that we didn't see it in the previously doesn't bode well, does it?