So you mean that Immaculate Conception doesn't refer to the fact that she didn't have sex with Joseph, but that *she* was immaculate, yes?
Right. As everyone managed to explain fairly well while the pedantic Catholic was working in her lab... *slinks away again*
Okay, the little montage with Sayid building glasses for Sawyer? How cute was that?
I loved that montage. I just said..."Sayid rocks."
My favorite montage of the show. It will be difficult to top. The pretty with the competent with the overarching funny of the whole glasses thing. Love.
Cute didn't occur to me.
Smoking hot, on the other hand ...
Would have been better if there was a straightedge razor involved somehow.
Maybe Sawyer will need someone to shave him while he adjusts to the glasses.
"Oi! What's the big idea? Some of us are trying to sleep! If you want an appointment, come back in the morning!"
Do you think it will be the doorkeeper from the Wizard of Oz? Will he start crying when Dor-Locke gives him his sob story?
Now there's a horse of a different color....
That was no horse, it was a bear!