According to TV Guide online, there's a new ep on April 6th. Where did you get the "no new eps until end of April after this one" info?
I was making the assumption that this week's upcoming episode was the one originally scheduled for 4/6. My bad for making the assumption that this would be the only episode until the final run, which coincides with May sweeps.
I wonder how these scheduling interruptions effect the "normal", casual viewer. Will they stick with the show? This always presents a problem with involved narrative dramas.
Cleolinda's "Lost" recaps. A list.
I was just trying to find out the exact dates of future episodes because there seems to be some conflict as to what date the episodes will air and I came across a listing for the April 6th episode - it's airing 1 hour earlier than normal (7pm est instead of 8pm)
The dates listed on differ from those on and I'm not sure which to believe.
Tivo thinks that the next new ep of Lost will be 8 pm on 4/6.
But there's a new ep this week, right?
As I've heard it we have a new ep this week and next week. After that, I'm unsure of the dates.
Tivo thinks that the next new ep of Lost will be 8 pm on 4/6.
The bundled promos made it look to me like it was this week -- with Eyes and Alias. ABC (episode synopsis on page) concurs.
Huh -- my eyes just completely glazed over the listing for the new ep this week (which Tivo also knows about, now that I'm reading the WHOLE page).