That was great, Jeff. Thanks so much for doing these
One question:
Fade to black, then fade in on Locke and Boone tramping through the jungle. Boone stumbles to the ground.
Is this really Locke who stumbles, or are they suggesting that lots of people are getting sick?
A lovable scoundrel with a GIGANTIC PSYCHOLOGICAL COMPLEX, perhaps. Dude left out that part.
Also? He has not been that effective an offensive force, neither with aimed weapons nor with his paws.
Good kisser, though.
And, really, how much armed protection does one need?
I hope, someday, when someone shoots me (a nonmoving target) at 5 feet range, with no distractions and all the time in the world to aim, he
actually manages to kill me
when he fires. I think, in the annals of crappy shooting, Sawyer is topped only by that guy in the Olympics who shot a bullseye in the wrong fricken target, and lost the gold medal thereby.
Eh, even if firing conditions are perfect bullets sometimes do funny things and end up being less lethal than expected. I've heard of a point blank head shot where the bullet skidded along the skull underneath the scalp without penetrating, and skipped loose by making an exit wound at the back of the guy's head. Looked like it had done the trick (especially considering how superficial head wounds bleed) but the victim got away with cosmetic damage (and, I assume, a concussion).
Admittedly, feeding the marshall the gun barrell would have made things certain short of supernatural intervention, but I can see why Sawyer wouldn't have been up to that task.
bullets sometimes do funny things
This is true. However, Sawyer's failure wasn't a freak accident; he shot the guy in the torso, hit him, and failed to hit anything vital enough to kill him quickly, which was the whole point of shooting him in the first place. For this, House Slytherin gets minus eleventy million points.
Sawyer's patently not a killer¹, though. Armchair assassins and overthinkers may know where to aim, but most other people who haven't killed or been trained to do so stand a good chance of not hitting the right bits.
I think I'd know where to shoot, but my knowledge of how long it takes a person to die from this or from that is sorely tainted by whether it's a good guy or a bad guy that's been hit, and how high their name is in the credits.
¹: He's obviously killed, so no need to get semantic. He's neither a pro nor an enthusiastic amateur.