Fury told me Claire's getting eaten by a pack of starved, rabid capybaras this ep.
t flings self from balcony, then realizes only on the first floor
But capybaras are so cute! And the info page there says they eat grass and aquatic plants mostly (in addition to being unusually fond of eating their own droppings, which tells me they are good recyclers.) No mention of their propensity for eating wee Australian blonde puff pastries.
Claire better not get hurt, OR ELSE! ::shakes fist westward::
Yesterday, I remembered
was on tomorrow, and I thought, "Oh fuck, tomorrow Claire's in trouble."
Yay! One hour! I must make haste to WalMart for cough medicine! And snacks!
Fury told me Claire's getting eaten by a pack of starved, rabid capybaras this ep. It's sort of an Angel SO.
They should film this and show it every Christmas. Oh, wait, they have.
I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm tickled that the baby-centric episode is aring the same week as Emma's appearance.
really creeped out
right now.
Oh. huh. ok. what did happen, Claire? and Locke, creepy.