I do still have some faint hope that Kate, despite being an apparently nice person, is actually guilty of some horrific crime that would have everyone who hears about it (including Sawyer) recoiling in shock.
Like (Farscape spoiler)
Aeryn and Pilot.
That could be good. I suspect at this point that it either has to be something she inadvertently did with truly disastrous results or a somewhat justified yet cold-blooded killing (say having to kill a corrupt fellow officer/agent). I don't think they'll go the route of her actually being a manipulative Black Widow-type femme fatale.
Or maybe she was a Fox News reporter who was going to blow the whistle on illegal activities on the part of the current administration...
Maybe Kate is really Alex, and her French mother Danielle killed her British father Robert, who it turns out improbably survived his shooting, and they all think they work for competing secret government agencies but actually work for the same multi-national conglomerate.
Okay, if Wolfram turns out to be right I will a) be extremely suspicious of his nym, and 2) LOVE IT! That's a great scenario!
For those of you going through
withdrawal, I suggest you check out this very amusing
thread on TWoP discussing the imaginary episode we saw tonight.
Btw, how many survivors are there on the island now (not counting Danielle, Jack's maybe zombie dad or the assortment of arctic animals)? I thought it was 48 initially, then 47 after Joanna's death, but someone tells me otherwise.
48 initially, then 47 after the Marshall's death, then 46 after Joanna's drowning.
he knows that they think they have this moral high ground when it comes to him and i think he wanted to show them(and Kate) that they weren't as pure as they pretended to be.
Oh, I hadn't thought of it that way, but that makes a lot of sense.
the imaginary episode
I almost did that here. But then I though, teh lame. So now that TWOP did it I can choose between feeling superior because I had the idea quite early, or feeling superior because I didn't indulge it. Still, fun. Teh lame has never stopped me before.
So as I'm cobbling together a
transcript site, I realize I have no site name.