I should mention, that if you have a battery and jumper cables, you can make an electrical torture-unit out of a foldy beach chair and enough rope to tie up your captive. Alternatively, a metal bedframe will do, and double points if there is rope webbing for the prisoner's comfort while being tortured.
(The real question is, who knows how much juice to use, to be painful without being fatal? I don't.)
Hi lunda, and welcome.
Interesting theory about Locke - it reminds me of NEEDFUL THINGS by Stephen King. I'm curious if there will be a price for each item.
And, of course Locke got the use of his legs back - first to find what he'd lost.
(The real question is, who knows how much juice to use, to be painful without being fatal? I don't.)
A car battery is only 12 volts, so I think it's unlikely that electrocution is a worry. Go wild.
A car battery is only 12 volts, so I think it's unlikely that electrocution is a worry. Go wild.
Oh, that's good. Encourage her.
Oh, that's good. Encourage her.
Everyone needs a hobby, I say.
Welcome, lunda.
Nutty's making me a little nervous this morning.
I'm still not sure about Locke being the knock-out guy.
Oh, that's good. Encourage her.
What can I say? I'm an enabler.
Oh, before I forget again... wasn't Sayid originally knocked out (the first time with the transmitter) in a meadow just like the one where they held the golf game? (Yeah, that was probably the only open field that they could find in Hawaii to film in....)
Theo, I remember the place where Sayid was knocked out as being more treeful.
(What? It's a perfectly cromulent word.)