especially if the "mountains" are the sides of a massively worn-down crater.
I think they showed this a bit when they were playing golf, mountains on both sides.
I'm hazarding a guess they are on the south end of the island, to the left on the map.
I've added a crude directional arrow to map 3, corresponding to the one on the map.
I'm liking the Charlie-Hurley friendship -- the actors have a relaxed buddy vibe between them.
It was really nicely set up in that fishing scene way back in one of the first eps.
I really enjoy how protective Charlie is of Claire. It kind of makes me wonder where that came from. I know we only got a little bit of information on his background, but it was really mostly about his band.
Maybe Charlie wants what his brother has. A settled family life with a child.
I think he's just trying to hold on to
so he feels connected. Before the crash he was "alone" in the world - no one to care for and no one to care for him (in the way that he wanted). I think through Claire he has a chance to be a part of something special.
Claire also told Charlie in an earlier episode (I think White Rabbit) that he was the only one who would really look at her, so she liked talking to him. The Moth made it clear that feeling important and needed is important to Charlie, so he probably gets a lot out of the relationship too.
Before the crash he was "alone" in the world - no one to care for and no one to care for him (in the way that he wanted).
They've really done a good job of making him a very consistent character throughout the series so far, including his flashback story. He's always been the neediest character on the island, the one who's just begging to hook up with someone, anyone, in any way, be it romantic (first Shannon, then after the fishing debacle, he seemed to think about Kate, leading to the snarky comments about her and Jack having private jokes already, and now Claire, who seems to be open to the possibility), or buddy-buddy, with Hurley and Jack, or mentor-ish, with Locke. As for his flashbacks, I got the impression that he reached for his brother's heroin just so he could share something with the brother he loved, since the music no longer connected them.
I wanna give him a hug - make him feel better... I claim Charlie in the name of beathenism! All other unworthies better get out of my way!
. There was some word with a prominent H in it, and when she said that one word I was like, "Oh look, now we are in Sarajevo!"
Skipped to say that Mira Furlen is from the former Yugoslavia. Unless someone else has already said this.
Quartermaster and Chief of Morale
Hurley is playing the Luther Billis role from South Pacific. It worked for Ray Walston.