Why is Michael being such a suck dad!? He could have given Walt his turn on the golf course!
Nora! I thought that same thing! I cannot believe he just sent him back to the cave. Really he should be encouraging him to do something super active so that he will sleep at night.
I think that Michael is a good guy, but really has some stuff to learn, and quick, about being a dad. Which makes sense. I think it's harder in their situation because as a long-time non-dad, it's hard to get a good idea as to how to parent without Institutions like school, and what kids are "supposed" to do, and stuff.
Gah. He knows enough to keep him away from Locke (although he is unaware of the whole forbidden fruit factor) but not enough to find someone beside the 9 month pregnant chick or the non-english (at the time) speaking chick as a babysitter.
I think he just wanted to have some Michael fun time. Which is understandable, but... as a parent... (as I understand it) that's pretty hard to do.
I think he just wanted to have some Michael fun time. Which is understandable, but... as a parent... (as I understand it) that's pretty hard to do.
What made me crazy was the point when Walt was all "Can I take Vincent to the beach?" and Michael was like "No," and Walt was all "But I'm bored!" and Michael was like "Well, you'll have to come up with ways to entertain yourself." And I was like, oh, ways to entertain himself like playing with his dog down at the beach maybe?
I think they're doing a really good job of portraying a man who just has no interest in parenting, but has a kid anyway, but man, he pisses me off.
He didn't actually send Walt back to the cave. I got the impression he thought he could leave Walt there and he'd be there when he got done--hanging with the crowd, watching the game. It's one of those things you learn never happens if you raise them from a toddler, but when they just look like smaller adults, it's harder to figure out.
Yeah -- he should have been more specific in a "wait here for five minutes and then we'll take Vincent to the beach" kind of way.
I was just annoyed with Michael because it seemed like Walt was interested in taking a turn playing golf, and Michael was all "surely SOMEONE will give you their turn, out of the kindness of their... oops, gotta go, I'm up!" Because, you know, duh, Michael, give the kid your turn maybe?
Michael was all "surely SOMEONE will give you their turn, out of the kindness of their... oops, gotta go, I'm up!" Because, you know, duh, Michael, give the kid your turn maybe?
That confused the fuck out of me too, Kate. I was all, hello? I mean, he scored points before for knowing his birthday, but he kinda sucked in this episode. I thought he was
but he's hardly doing that anymore...which, of course, throws him into Locke's clutches.
Back to the conversation about the ethnic background of some of the actors. I'm happy to give some slack on this. I mean, I'm half Iranian, but very few people would be able to guess I have any Iranian blood in me by my looks. Actors are there to act.
Dude, Sawyer just gets hotter and hotter.
Here's my theory about the polar bear: Crazy!woman and crew (the millionaire, and his wife....) brought bear cubs with them.
What? It makes as much sense as anything else. When she said "If we're lucky, it's one of the bears," all I could think was, "BearS, plural? Bears, plural, different species? Brown, black, grizzly, and polar? Got any pandas stashed in the back of your creepy hut of solitude?"
There must be koalas, because there's eucalyptus.
Here's my theory about the voices in the Blair Witch Jungle of Mystery: they've crashed on Club Med, and they haven't explored the island enough to find the nude-beach-Mai-Tai-drinking-volleyball-playing resort. And what they're hearing are the voices of the frolicing Club Med-ers. What? Sayid said that someone needed to walk the perimeter of the island so that they could map it, which implies that they don't really know what's going on on the other side of the island, and I say LUAU!!!
My favorites from Cleolinda's recap:
So of course he manages to set off, like, three dozen other tripwires and the original wire is like "HA HA!"
Ebola Jones may also be over in the corner whining about his flesh-eating rash, I'm not sure
(Look, I know she's supposed to be kind of unbalanced, but it's hilarious to me that one minute she's like, "YOU! I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE! THE POLAR BEARS WATCH ME UNDRESSING! THE PLANTAINS LISTEN TO MY SECRETS IN THE DEPTHS OF THE NIGHT!" and the next minute she's like, "So, who's the babe?")
Mercutio asks if this is what Hurley's wasted his time on, like there was something else Hurley was supposed to be doing. ("These bags won't go through themselves, dude!") And Jack's like, "You built a golf course?" Jeez, man, all he did was dig a couple of holes and make some flags. You people really do need to mellow.
I am just sitting there staring at the TV in shock that Mercutio does not step up and just go, "Wait, wait wait, back this train the fuck up: POLAR BEARS?"
Here's my theory about the voices in the Blair Witch Jungle of Mystery: they've crashed on Club Med, and they haven't explored the island enough to find the nude-beach-Mai-Tai-drinking-volleyball-playing resort. And what they're hearing are the voices of the frolicing Club Med-ers.
Hee! That's my theory, too. Only it's kind of a gothy Club Med, which is why the voices are spoooooooky.