Yeah, it was very Hunt for Red October, only it was cooler in the movie. But, then, they had more time for that kind of thing.
That's exactly what I thought! But they didn't have any cool-sounding placenames like "Armageddon" to use as the transition word.
Now that Locke has acquired another young acolyte in Walt, how long is it until Michael has his flashback ep and throws a hissy fit over losing his influence with his son at the same time?
Now that Locke has acquired another young acolyte in Walt, how long is it until Michael has his flashback ep and throws a hissy fit over losing his influence with his son at the same time?
And if it's by the same person who wrote "The Moth," we'll get a line like, "I could build an aqueduct, but I couldn't build a relationship with my son."
But -- evil cliffhanger! Did we see Sayid in the promo?
I loved that Hurley's find that he was so excited about were the golf clubs (and golf balls, I would guess.)
Damn it, me too.
Damn. Those dimples are so powerful Kristin has to post about them AGAINST HER WILL.
it sure looked like the guy who played his superior officer was a white dude, which was both distracting and disappointing.
If I'm reading IMDB right, I believe the actor's Navid Negahban.
Huh, really? Okay, I could well be wrong, since I didn't actually do any research myself...
"I could build an aqueduct, but I couldn't build a relationship with my son."
Cleolinda's recap is up! Too bad it's way past my bedtime.
Any takers on the title of Michael's flashback ep being called "Building Bridges"?
Looks like I am going to be alone in my dissent here, but this episode was just...blah. Dull. No intensity. There was no chemistry between Saeed and Nadia, or between Saeed and Danielle. There was no emotion in either the now-story or the back-story. The Danielle Rousseau character was neither entertaining, frightening, or interesting as a new Ben Gunn.
Maybe I'm just having a bad day. I'll save the tape and watch it again later this week, perhaps it will be better then.
Okay, I totally lied, and am still awake and reading the recap, and it has reminded me, if Danielle and her team crashed on the island unexpectedly, how did she/they build the warehouselike structure she's been living in? It looks pretty permanent and sturdy and complex for what was supposed to be just a makeshift campsite.
Okay, I think cleolinda was watching with me, cause:
"Nearly two months we survived here," she says, and maybe it's just the way she phrases it, but I was totally expecting her to be like, "And then a polar bear ATE US and WE DIED and now we're just GHOSTS. Have you seen The Sixth Sense? I love that movie."
I totally added a "AND THEN WE DIED" too.
"You think I'm insane," she says, and Sayid does the sympathetic head shake of No, Really, I... Yeah, Pretty Much.
That's almost exactly what we said as well.
Also, she was listening to "Haunted"! I love that song.
Looks like I am going to be alone in my dissent here, but this episode was just...blah.
You're not alone, by the way. I thought it was all right, but not great. It felt muddled.