I have the feeling that Danielle's husband was the Locke of her group. She said something about wanting to be rescued, and if her husband converted Alex to a back to the jungle way of thinking, it would give her reason to kill him.
And we just saw Locke recruit a new generation to his nebulous cause. I love Fury.
Rousseau is 47 isn't she?
Do we know if Alex was born on the island, or if Alex was an older child being toted along on the scientific expedition à la Jonny Quest? If that bit of info is up in the air, "Alex" could be in his/her twenties.
Oh, and everyone caught the name Roussea, right? Rousseau. Locke. Who's next? Emerson?
Alex was the Science experiment! Summer Glau will play her!
Maybe Alex is the monster.
I was worried that she would kill herself (Or that Sayid would have to), but now she can come back in another ep!
Alex was the Science experiment! Summer Glau will play her!
Wow, great ep. So what are we thinking--crazy island plague o' insanity?