Laura is not alone! And she is so right ... Kate totally loves Sayid.
Ack! Sayid, dude. That's rough. But we knew that from the preview.
Glad to see they're not going the "feel sorry for him" route with Sawyer. Still a jackhole. With dimples. Excellent.
Or it could be triggered from that clacker.
Actually, a claymore you'd trigger by stepping on the mine itself, wouldn't you?
No, I'm pretty sure claymores are mounted high, and use triggers.
Ya know, Hurley sounds a heck of a lot like John Belushi.
Ouch! Jumps in DX's lap for comfort.
Hi all!
Sayid is being tortured by DeLenn form Babylon 5.
New speaking people. Cool.
Umm, would that woman be walking around Takrit/Iraq with face undraped?