[NAFDA] This is where we talk about the show! Anything that's aired in the US (including promos) is fair game. No spoilers though -- if you post one by accident, an admin will delete it.
Wheeee! Do I get a pin? A benefit package?
Our everlasting devotion and appreciation?
(like, stabbing Michael in the heart with one of Locke's knives, for example.)
Ha! So true. When we think of how ballistic he went over attacking him for "stealing" his father-in-law's watch, I can't imagine the nuclear arsenal he'd unleash upon thinking Michael had stolen (even glances) at his father-in-law's daughter.
Ha! So true. When we think of how ballistic he went over attacking him for "stealing" his father-in-law's watch, I can't imagine the nuclear arsenal he'd unleash upon thinking Michael had stolen (even glances) at his father-in-law's daughter.
Plus, I do think Jin loves Sun, a lot. It is a fucked up love, to be sure, but I do think he loves her.
How do Other People watch tv without the invisible people in the box to make them privvy to all kinds of sooper sekrit information?
Dude, no kidding. It's a whole different way of watching TV. I was discussing
with a much-less-fannish friend the other day, and telling her all about who the actors are and what the various theories about the monster are, blah blah totally-normal-discussioncakes, and she said, "Wow, you are REALLY into this show! How do you know all this?" I had sort of forgotten that not everybody has a place like the Buffistas where they can come to learn all these very important things.
Oh, totally. I think almost all the fucked-up-ness comes, in one way or another, out of that unbelievably passionate love.
I parenthesized wrong in the above paragraph. Should have been "had stolen (even glances at) his father-in-law's daughter. Just for the record.
Just like inevitably the post of mine that got COMMed a while back was totally full of typo's and spello's. Very sad to be thus immortalized. But you know, own damn fault. Heh!
Anyway, I like the developing storyline. I can't wait for Jin's own backstory (because I trust and believe that we're getting it and that I'll go OMGWTF appropriately).
Plus, I do think Jin loves Sun, a lot. It is a fucked up love, to be sure, but I do think he loves her.
Yes. He is mad about the girl.
And male, and all fucked up.
We likes this show, we does.
Yeah, I like the part where I sound so knowledgeable and thoughtful when I discuss my tv with non-fannish types. Of course, I also sound obsessive and geeky, but they're used to that. The SO likes Lost, btw. He found the torture a little upsetting. I'd looked away during it, so I failed to warn him before he watched it.
So this week, we're getting whose backstory? Sayid's? Even though he walked off the beach? I guess he got a camera crew to follow him. That's good. They're handy to have around.
I have a friend at work that I share stoopid people stories with a lot. The other day, I sent her something where OMGWTF was my only comment.
There are times I am very glad for spellcheck.
She has a 'class' association with the Seoul accent.
Hmmm. There may be some truth in that. The Seoulites (Seoulers?) can be snootish about people who are from the other parts of the country, and consider accented speech unsophisticated. (The Seoulites usually don't consider themselves 'accented' at all.) But I also know a lot of people who are damn proud of their regional heritage and use accents to find and band with people from their area. There is often competitiveness and even animosity between people from different regions of the country.
But the minute class distinctions depending on how one speaks based on which *street* he grew up on in, say, London? NSM in Korea. If you are born and raised in Seoul, you speak like a Seoulite, whether your father is a cabinet minister or a school janitor.
OK, that's possibly way more details than anyone wanted to know.
I can't imagine the nuclear arsenal he'd unleash upon thinking Michael had stolen (even glances) at his father-in-law's daughter.
I'm beginning to feel really sorry for Jin, who's going to be more and more isolated as his wife continues to unfurl her metaphorical wings. Poor bastard.
I was discussing Lost with a much-less-fannish friend the other day, and telling her all about who the actors are and what the various theories about the monster are, blah blah totally-normal-discussioncakes, and she said, "Wow, you are REALLY into this show! How do you know all this?"
Heh. I have to often curb my fangirly tendencies at work. One of my not-that-close coworker mentioned Lost this other day, and it was difficult to play it cool and mildy say, "Oh, yeah. I watch it, too. Neat show." intead of going "OMG! The twist about Locke's legs were the best thing EVER! My HSQ meter nearly broke! And did you notice how well they integrated the three different timelines and how they showed the wheelchair in preceding episodes and peppered the episodes with foreshadowing? And isn't Terry O'Quinn the best actor, and hey, did ya see him in that S2 X-Files episode about the pregnant cop and as the consortium flunky in the XF movie, and dude, he was in Alias, too!" 'Cause, you know, that wouldn't have gone over so well.