Upon rewatch this morning, I just have to say.... I'd think Charlie about as likely to find a jar of peanut butter as he would of finding an empty, intact glass jar.
If humans can survive the fuselage tumble throught the jungle, what's to say there wasn't something in that jar, packed away in luggage? Sure, it's long since eaten, as they went through all on-board food as of a week ago, but the jar would remain. Not only that, it was likely washed out and used for water, or boars meat, or fish in the interim.
I don't know if it was the acting or my overactive tastebuds, but I was tasting peanut butter in that scene. Creamy.
It was very powerfully suggestive. I tasted peanut butter, too.
There already appears to be a song about Evangeline Lilly. Huh. It took David Duchovny 5+ years to get there. That's fast. (Unless the song's supposed to be about some other Evangeline and someone just stuck her photo there. Guess that's possible.)
The song's awfully... peppy. Not that it's bad or anything.
If it was Sawyer who hit Sayid, why would he have turned his antenna on? It would have frustrated and distracted Sayid more if he could not get a signal, which would have been more difficult if the antenna was turned off.
IIRC there was a post about a week ago that said that technically they only needed two antennas and the transeiver. This would allow them to see if the signal was coming from within that triangle. Three antennas AND the transeiver would allow Sayid to more closely pinpoint the exact location of the signal's broadcast.
One of the other benefits of three points is that if one failed, you could still triangulate and not have wasted time in the jungles filled with invisimechanosaurus. Nor would you have to come up with more batteries for a second try.
We haven't "seen" invisimechanosaurus since Locke met up with it, have we? I can't recall.
Maybe the trees went back to taking their seizure drugs.
I think you're correct. Locke mentioned it to Jack in
and that was the last anyone's heard.
cereal - (ooh Frosted Flakes for me)
Maybe the trees went back to taking their seizure drugs.
Or they could be feasting on the other side of the island where, unknown to the viewers, the rest of the passenger's landed and are not as creepy as Locke or Sawyer to "see into the eye" of the island.