Maybe "Sawyer" is the guy who was already on the island. Ok, maybe not, but still.
Did you see the preview?
Oh, and BEST. EPISODE. EVAH. Up there with Walkabout for best yet.
Oh yeah.
Preview too spoilery!! I wish I hadn't watched it last week, and now I'm wishing it this week too.
Same here! But I can't not watch it, for some reason. It's a thing.
Finally, EWWWWWW at Jack fishing for 'Sawyer's spurting artery. That was too nasty.
Seriously! I couldn't believe they showed that. Daaaamn.
Odd conflict of motivations: Sayid wants to kill Sawyer cause he thinks he's trying to keep them on the island, but Locke, who has the most reason to stay on the island, was the one who planted the Sawyer seed. If Locke really thought Sawyer was trying to keep them on the island, he'd join forces.
Sawyer didn't burn the letter, which means he
resigned himself to the fact that he'll be stuck here forever. He still wants the real Sawyer. If he turns out to be on the island, it might be cool, but I don't think it's necessary. It's still a good piece of character for him to have.
The backstory felt finished to me
Yes and no. Yes, because we finally found out what makes Sawyer such a jackhole, but no because after dumping $300k with the couple he was going to con, I'd reckon him to be pretty damn broke. How did he wind up in Australia? It's got to matter, also. I'd say he was probably running away from the guy that gave him the seed money, but trips to Australia aren't cheap. And why would he be going
to the states if he's on the lam? There's a lack of continuity, so, no the backstory doesn't feel finished. Too many loose threads for me.
Next week ... "cake"? Cool.
(long post reduced to:) Sawyer/Aime´e : Sex-AY!
Cleolinda put up her recap: [link]
Jack good-cops that all he wants are the inhalers, and "we'll stop." Sawyer, nicknaming to the very last, is all like, "Stop what, Chico?" And he glances over to Sayid whittling bamboo with Locke's knife, because they don't observe the Geneva Convention over here in Sayidistan. "It doesn't have to be this way," says a helpless Jackstralia. "Yeah, it does," says Sawyer, because YOU FUCKING MORON WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU.
I think Sawyer wants to be hated and beaten and tortured because that's what he thinks actualSawyer deserves, and since he is now Sawyer, it's what he deserves too.
Frankly, if I were Kate, I'd tell him there wasn't time to deal with his psychodrama and that if he wanted to be hurt he would have to do it himself.
but he's shot as to totally make us think he's advancing upon Kate in the altogether in an act of sexual intimdation. To which Kate is all like, "Girl, please."
OMG I ♥ Cleolinda. But I'm too tired to read it all tonight. A treat for tomorrow it will be. 'Night.
How did he wind up in Australia?
Well, this is plain to anyone who has been paying attention. He was in Australia because it said so, right there in the script.
Seriously, the gap between Louisiana and Sydney is something that still needs filling-in, which means to me that there will be more Sawyer backstory.
I'm guessing that Sawyer went to Australia to get away from people who would otherwise kill or arrest him, and that he was returning because he'd gotten some sort of lead on the original Sawyer. That would also explain why he had the letter so ready to hand.
dayyyyyyammmmn. Just dayyyyamn.
I'm betting Sawyer is on the run from the black guy to whom he owes $240,000 (wasn't it?)
But, boy, more pretty angsty men than you can shake a stick at.
Okay -- it is interesting that they didn't tell us how or why Sawyer was in Australia.
Also -- if Sawyer is Spike, then Saiyid is Angel. (This thought came to me during the torture scene -- and then he walked off looking for redemption.)
That was good. I am glad that they mixed things up a bit. Who wrote this episode? ('Cause -- good job!)