One of the nice bits about that scene was that Jack winced and grabbed the shoulder he dislocated last week (yesterday in island time) after punching Sawyer. Of course he then hit Sawyer again with the same arm.
I'm not sure it's only been a day in island time. One of the characters (sorry, I don't remember who; wait, Charlie, to Hurley?) said "we've been here two weeks now". I got the feeling some days had passed since the last episode.
Also, punching someone with your dislocated-shoulder-just-yesterday arm; unlikely.
Didn't Hurley say that they ran out of food a week before?
Didn't Hurley say that they ran out of food a week before?
He did. That was only a couple of days after they got there, so I don't it's been a week since Jack dislocated his shoulder. Plus, Sayid came in to have his head looked at after getting attacked.
I agree that Jack shouldn't have been able to throw a punch at all with that arm at this point. OTOH, maybe the island has healing powers.
Ran across something interesting in an lj I lurk in:
Sawyer's backstory was the first one not to end at the airplane.
Sabdhyl is right. All the other stories we either saw them at the airport or we know how they got there. We have no idea why Sawyer was in Australia. His backstory all took place in Louisiana, yes?
I got the impression Jack was getting a second look at Sayid, in that he seemed to be pumping Sayid for info he didn't originally want to give.
Sawyer's backstory was the first one not to end at the airplane.
Maybe "Sawyer" is the guy who was already on the island. Ok, maybe not, but still.
What's this thread's policy on casting spoilers? Looking up Faux!EC I stumbled upon one. Can I whitefont it or do I have to go to the Son of Spoilage Lite?
Oh, and BEST. EPISODE. EVAH. Up there with Walkabout for best yet. I am still speechless from teh HAWT. Oh, and I still think Boone is an ass. I know he was just doing it to save Shannon (Flowers in the Attic-stylee) but I still hate him.
he seemed to be pumping Sayid
BWAH I am 12
Sawyer's backstory was the first one not to end at the airplane.
Oh, huh ... I hadn't noticed that either. How interesting.
The "Sawyer" name quotation marking is somehow conflating in my mind with the story of the "Aimee" cake. Which I'm finding amusing. Just me, then?
cereal (Bugles™):
Preview too spoilery!! I wish I hadn't watched it last week, and now I'm wishing it this week too.
Finally, EWWWWWW at Jack fishing for 'Sawyer's spurting artery. That was too nasty.
Just me, then?
Not so much. The sad thing, though ... it might pertain.
Sawyer's backstory was the first one not to end at the airplane.
True. Frustrating, but true. The backstory felt finished to me.