Michael calling Hurley on his racism to Sun & Jin!
Oh yes, that was great too. Although I don't know that I'd be so quick to call it racism. Ignorance, yes, but "racism" to me implies at least a modicum of prejudice or negative attitude, which I didn't see from Hurley. I mean, he assumed they were Chinese. I assumed that they were Korean. I'm not seeing inherent racism in either assumption, it's just that mine was based on more knowledge. And he doesn't know their names, since they haven't introduced themselves to anyone else (except for Sun and Michael--though I'm not sure they exchanged names either, now that I think about it), so he refers to them by their most obvious (to him) distinguishing characteristic. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad that Michael set him straight, since it was making me a little more uncomfortable each time he referred to them as "the Chinese people" and nobody corrected him. But I'm not ready to ascribe racism to Hurley just yet.
Am I the only one that noticed that Charlie had a Driveshaft ring in the flashbacks?
Nope! A little "DS," wasn't it?
Michael calling Hurley on his racism to Sun & Jin!
Was it calling him on racism or merely correcting his error. I still feel no racism from Hurley about his calling them chinese. Hurley seems to basically be a nice guy, but a bit unworldly.
I don't know that I'd be so quick to call it racism.
Yeah, I agree, I was just using the word as short-hand. Ironic, innit? [/Spike]
Did Shannon actually turn on her antenna? I didn't see her do it, just lighting the flare.
Ah! The west coasters! Welcome!
t Watches his spoileryness while telling Westcoasters "come, come in!"
Yeah, I agree, I was just using the word as short-hand. Ironic, innit?
Heh, and there I go blabbing on about it. Sorry.
I imagine it's just me again.
I think we're to assume she did, since Sayid was getting the signal.
Joe Dick
It was Michael's uncomfortable look at Jin that made me realize, no one ought to know that they're Korean, should they?
I assumed that Charlie, who has been hanging with Locke like Locke's the next best thing to mommy, volunteered to be the bait. It's not as if Locke forced him to be there and why else would he be out alone since he has no smack? I think we were supposed to be misdirected by Charlie's panic until the Locke approval. I can only accept that as relatively reasonable when I think of the whole unstable, prone to hallucination junkie. Maybe he forgot he was bait while he was out there wandering around trying to be bait.
Kate's exchange with Sayid after his comment to the effect that they're all already dead reminded me of something that I haven't really thought of since the first episode....
Kate was conscious all the way down. She knows they're not dead. No "magic island" bullshit for her.