As someone who had reason to do a lot of Robin Hood research awhile back, and have collected a mort of versions of the tales, I have some knowledge of the legend.
Traditionally, Little John was Robin's staunchest friend and ally. Alan was the bard, and not too good at fighting. Whether Robin in the given version was the forester's son, or a nobleman, Scarlet was himself a nobleman, and much given to peacock clothes and airs and graces. He was, however, a good swordsman and as good as anyone (except Robin himself, of course) with a bow, and aquitted himself adequately with a quarterstaff. He was often, as DX(?) said, a foil for Robin. In some versions he set himself against Robin for leadership, whether in fact or just to test Robin's will, but he was never as unqualifiedly behind Robin as Little John, Tuck, Alan, or Much. And in many of the tales, Much was Robin's kinsman. Often it was not specified if he was brother or cousin, but cousin of some degree is assumed, as he was addressed as kinsman.
/end pedantage.
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