People, people. You're being distracted by the (fine, no doubt about it) ass. Look again at the hair. Smooth, shiny Dawn hair, drawn back in a low ponytail at the nape. Kate? Curly curly hair, about that color, true, but completely different texture.
And I did see Boone, I think, in the distance during the over-song epiloguish bit defining the stay-and-hope group on the beach from the go-and-survive group at the cave. So he could have been just hanging around for background, or have had a scripted scene they cut for time.
I have discovered what it is about Boone's actor (Ian Somerhalder?) that puts me off. He's enough like Tom Welling for me to go, "oh, it's--no, it's not."
My experience is similar, Robin. I've seen a lot of fights, and people are either gawking, too scared to intervene, or say, "Hey, not my problem." Or they join in.
I miss your screencaps, too, Daniel. But you've had other stuff to worry about, so it's okay. At least until you can get your computer stuff worked out.
My theory on the "stare at stuff and don't get involved" behaviour is that the giant computer running the "island" simulation isn't powerful enough to run full AI for more than a few NPC characters at a time. Everybody else is running a simple set of basic behaviours ("complain about heat", "stare at disturbance", "look wistful", "check out Kate's arse") until it's their turn to do stuff.
When they stick a second processor in and upgrade the memory next year, the secondary characters will become a lot more believable.
Nope, Jin was in the water trying to kill Michael, and Sun was screaming on the beach.
Officially turns in ATTENTIVE card, and sheepishly takes posession of IDIOT card.
during my stripping days there were quite a few
::knows Robin at the wrong time::
My experience is similar, Robin.
::holds out hope for shrift-strippage::
Maybe the others are gathering into their own political units, and have their own Jack, Kate, Sayid, Sawyer, etc.
All I have to say is that we have now had six episodes (5 if you count the first two as one) and out of those 6 there have been 2 episodes that ended with a musical montage. The writers can be a little more creative than that.
but in every fight I've witnessed (and during my stripping days there were quite a few)
::scooches in between Sean and Kate. Mmmmm, scrappylicious.::
99% of the people present just stand there and watch.
Yeah, see I get that in a street or bar situation. Less so in a disaster situation where one person is getting drowned too.