I stole this from the Lost-Media dot com site.
That cannot be I Can't Be A Lifeguard
hugging up on my Kate. It just can't.
Nope. Singapore != South Pacific.
Singapore. From Sydney, this would be
some South Pacific, heading to the States.
Wait. Sydney to Signapore.
DCP am right.
While that indeed may be I Can't Be a Lifeguard (Although I don't really think so) it definitely is not your (or anyone else's) Kate. She was at the cave with a shirt full of bees at the time.
Whatchoo talkin' about? In the picture I see, it goes Walt, Sayid, Sawyer, Kate, and I Can't Be a Lifeguard, left to right.
That tusch is
Oh, no, Don't give me this 2AM Pacifc US bushwah, right when I Can't Be A Lifeguard is groping MY Kate.
You will ruin my lunch.
Okay Gus, I think you've got Kate's ass on the brain.
Unlike Dr. Jack, it seems...
Matt, me lad, I get the difference in orientation. Even give that, Kate has the finer six.
' Fes up. That is a most fine fine six.
Sure, you might wonder why Dr. Sunburn is not picking up on the six...
Ok. Matt may have a point.
No, no. Kate was on the way to the caves. Also? Wearing a light blue shirt and jeans. This woman, ass fineness issues aside, is in the wrong place wearing the wrong clothes to be Kate.
That site is fun, Beverly. Whee!
It also can't be Boone, cuz he wasn't in this ep.
Gus -- I cannot believe that he hasn't heard that comment before.
I remember thinking in that scene, what the hell is wrong with all the fuzzy extras behind Walt on the beach. Nobody else knows how to break up a fight? They just stood around chatting or staring.