Libkitty, that wouldn't surprise me. And I was going to ask how you would know that, but, as I typed your name, my fingers threw themselves into my nostrils and banged my head into my desk multiple times. Cause it's just that obvious.
'Objects In Space'
The Buffista Book Club: the Harry Potter iteration
This thread is a focused discussion group. Please see the first post below for the current topic and upcoming book discussions. While natter will inevitably happen, we encourage you to treat this like a virtual book club and try to keep your posts in that spirit.
By consensus, this thread is reopened specifically to discuss Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. It will be closed again once that discussion has run its course.
Watchmen is character, V for Vendetta is idea.
I don't know if I entirely agree with that. Watchmen is plenty Idea. And Evey (and Valerie for that matter) are fully formed characters. V himself is more Idea than man, but most of the Watchmen characters seemed so archetypal that I didn't relate to them as individuals. I was far more moved by V for Vendetta, whereas my experience with Watchmen was more "Wow."
You are so cute, Gandalfe.
Don't tell my wife that, she hasn't figured it out yet.
Late to the party discussion, as usual.
I'm busted, too -- I looked in here because I've been away for a week and saw all the posts. And got excited! I'd definitely like to see if we can revive the bookclub.
I'm fine with the classics/Gutenberg idea, or whatever anyone else wants to do. I think what got me the first time around was very little time to read, and the first few selections not being quite my thing. Which could happen again, sure, but with more time to read now, I'm be more willing to plow through something I wasn't in love with on the first page.
Also happy to discuss Half-Blood Prince in here sans white font, or do a grpahic novel. In other words, I'm easy.
t /my two cents
I'm totally up for non whitefont HBP discussion here. And not just because I just finished the book today. Okay maybe a little bit because of that.
Wow, full frontal discussion--oh, wait . . .
Yay for non-whitefont HBP discussion!!
Dumbledore is dead????
Just getting it started...
Sirius is still dead??