The Buffista Book Club: the Harry Potter iteration
This thread is a focused discussion group. Please see the first post below for the current topic and upcoming book discussions. While natter will inevitably happen, we encourage you to treat this like a virtual book club and try to keep your posts in that spirit.
By consensus, this thread is reopened specifically to discuss Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. It will be closed again once that discussion has run its course.
Wolfram, it is fascinating. It is also just beautifully written and oh. I can't wait. Luckily, my life whizzes by so quickly, I hardly have to wait.
Wolfram, it is fascinating. It is also just beautifully written and oh. I can't wait. Luckily, my life whizzes by so quickly, I hardly have to wait.
I can't wait to finally get some spicy-Cindy-brain posts in our next discussion. (You've read it already haven't you?)
Yes, and more importantly, I have it. I don't have to wait to get the the library or the book store. I can start now as I finish Asher, and skip this new one entirely.
and skip this new one entirely.
starts crying
Um, or get myself to the library this week...
sighs with satisfaction.
I love The Red Tent. I had thought of Barbara Kingsolver, perhaps Small Wonder : Essays. But the title seemed too close to our current book, and, as I mentioned before, I love The Red Tent.
And no, I haven't read our current book yet. I just can't seem to stay away.
Small World: I have not enough good things to say about it. When I wasn't actually cracking up I was all smirks.
There are about a dozen little moments- the fiction writers promising not to write about their encounter, the program that picked apart the genius's books to the point that he couldn't write. All brilliant.
It's going to be this weekend before I can get into anything less superficial- work, personal obligations. But, I don't want this discussion to flounder.
That said, I don't know why, but I had a fondness for Morris and adored Mrs. Maiden (?)- the old lady
It's going to be this weekend before I can get into anything less superficial- work, personal obligations. But, I don't want this discussion to flounder.
Ditto to all that. It really was the little moments. Cheryl's seat meddling. Persse's hitching a ride to Hawaii. Wainwright's 3 page speech. Desiree's wondering what the "reserve" is on Morris and whether the ransom will be tax deductible.
I'm enjoying it and am about half-way through.
I agree it's the little moments. And I enjoy when I see things coming, I like being in on something that none of the characters see.