This thread is a focused discussion group. Please see the first post below for the current topic and upcoming book discussions. While natter will inevitably happen, we encourage you to treat this like a virtual book club and try to keep your posts in that spirit.
By consensus, this thread is reopened specifically to discuss Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. It will be closed again once that discussion has run its course.
- **Spoilers for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows lie here. Read at your own risk***
I like the short story collection read-and-post idea, for some time in the future.
Thanks, Wolfram, I finally get what you're driving at. Don't know why that was so hard for me. So it would be a matter of we
decide that we're done with
and it's time to move on toe
Asher Lev
on August 31, or we decide to keep the conversation going and put off
Asher Lev
until Sept. 15. Which we can aslo do (ie, the putting off) if a bunch of us haven't finished
Asher Lev.
that some people will go on discussing
and the people who have finished
Asher Lev
and can't wait to discuss it will be discussing it at the same time.
I am convinced of the goodness of this idea, in that
if we schedule the reading deadline by August 31st and then it turns out not to be enough time, or we end up using the whole month on discussion, or we decide later that fuck Wolfram and his crazy-ass plan, then we can always extend the deadline two weeks. NSM the other way around.
is true.
Thanks, Wolfram, I finally get what you're driving at.
I knew if I wished for it hard enough, someone eventually would. And you said it so much better than I did.
Sometimes I think law school has ruined my ability to convey ideas in plain English.
It could be parenthood too, Wolfram.
I think I get it too, but either way, I figure I'll figure it all out when it happens, and read as quickly as I can, until then.
It could be parenthood too, Wolfram.
No parenthood has ruined my ability to be fair and turned me into a big meanie. At least according to my 4 year old.
No parenthood has ruined my ability to be fair and turned me into a big meanie. At least according to my 4 year old.
Four y.o.'s fall into the valley of maximum aggravation since (a) they can talk (b) but they can't reason yet.
Well, they can reason when it suits them. One day, right around when Chris turned four, he'd used the bathroom, and expected me to pull up his pants. I told him to do it. He said, "You do it."
I said, "Christopher, you're four years old. You do."
He said, "Mommy, you're 37. You do it."
(I think I've told this story before. Oh no. It's finally happened. I am my mother.)
No parenthood has ruined my ability to be fair and turned me into a big meanie. At least according to my 4 year old.
Heh! Fairness is overrated anyhow, Wolfram. Parental priorities are simple:
a) Peace
b) No bleeding from the head
(am very glad my kids know nothing about krav)
Hmm. My library doesn't have "The Intuitionist." Fortunately, I own "Asher Lev." Time to mosey to the used book stores, I suppose, and see if I can't "Intuitionist" cheap.
I skipped a lot due to life so I'm a bit confused. Are we doing more than one book a month? and why. I can't even remember if that was on the ballot.
No, if I understand it correctly, we're planning for the contingency that a book, for whatever reason, doesn't generate a lot of discussion. So we could move up the discussion deadline for the next book. I'ma just keep an eye on the deadlines and do my bestest.
Also? My book is officially in transit to my local library branch.
Also can more suggestions be thrown out there for the future?
Yes, I should really go back and read the discussion but I can barely keep up with current stuff.