Yes this is really deepening my enjoyment of the book.
The Buffista Book Club: the Harry Potter iteration
This thread is a focused discussion group. Please see the first post below for the current topic and upcoming book discussions. While natter will inevitably happen, we encourage you to treat this like a virtual book club and try to keep your posts in that spirit.
By consensus, this thread is reopened specifically to discuss Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. It will be closed again once that discussion has run its course.
If we are thinking of the same thing, I SO agree. Heh.
I think we're all on the same page. Thanks, Gud!
With everyone else--really enjoying Gud's slow unfold!
I had to run and errand, so a mini-commute and post. But a heck of a lot has happened.
They escape the ministry, but with Yaxsley hanging on. Yaxsley now has access to Grimwald place although he wouldn't be a secret keeper, so I think it would only be Yaxsley, nonetheless not good. I hope Kreature is ok, but I suspect he will be.
Ron has had his nasty splinch (why is splinching gruesome now, but not before, oh well) and had it repaired. Again Hermione is awesome with her preparations. They have their tent set up (with a tent-erecting spell) and wards in place thanks to Hermione yet again. Harry would be totally screwed without having Hermione around.
More speculation on how the death eaters found Harry that first time, but apparently it isn't working this time because no death eaters. Maybe it takes a bit of time though. It can't be the connection between Voldemort and Harry, because then Voldemort would know it was Harry and there would have been death eaters everywhere that first time. Well maybe it could be the link but Voldemort doesn't know the exact location. If he could see what Harry is seeing he would just forest and that wouldn't pin down the location. OTOH, Hermione told him where they were and hey, she told him a general location last time too. Maybe. Now I'm just rambling though.
I had to leave off while they are pondering what happened to Reg and his wife.
Also, why can't they just summon Kreature? If nobody can track a wizard who apperates, surely an elf would be even harder. I guess someone could be holding on to creature, but I think Dobby once apperated while Harry was holding him back in book 2. I can't really remember. Well, story-wise it should just be the three of them, but it seems like a bit of an oversight.
tent-erecting spell
t is twelve
Harry would be totally screwed without having Hermione around.
I wouldn't mind reading a good fic about Hermione's actions prior to the book, all her preparations, her grim determination, her parents. It's a very compelling story.
I wouldn't mind reading a good fic about Hermione's actions prior to the book, all her preparations, her grim determination, her parents. It's a very compelling story.
oh, yes. I would love this!!!
I've never read HP fic but I really want to read about Snape as headmaster. And maybe his time at Hogwarts .
Hermione's preparation with her parents made me cry and cry.
I finally started to read the French versions I have of HP 1-3 (someone gave me them years ago but I never bothered to read them through). The translation is fairly dry and most of the proper names are the same, although sometimes with minor spelling spelling changes (Draco Malfoy becomes Drago Malefoy). I've gotten to the first sorting and the only major name changes so far are Snape, who has become Severus Rogue, and Neville, who is now Neville Londubat.
Place names, spells, and many of Rowling invented words are different (Hogwarts is Poudlard, muggles are moldus), and sometimes it takes me a minute to figure out the original reference. My favorite translation so far is for the Sorting Hat, which has become the Choixpeau Magique (chapeau being hat, and choix meaning choice).