JK Rowling is rumoured to be writing a detective novel.
Lucious Malfoy in the conservatory, with a wand!
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JK Rowling is rumoured to be writing a detective novel.
Lucious Malfoy in the conservatory, with a wand!
Lucious Malfoy in the conservatory, with a wand!
A few days ago, I read a post in someone's LJ with "just the dirty bits" of Deathly Hallows (I can't find the link anymore) and since then, any mention of wands sets my inner 12-year-old giggling madly.
JK Rowling is rumoured to be writing a detective novel
I can kind of see that. Well-planted clues and foreshadowing that don't spoil the reveal have been a big part of the Potter series.
I'm sure JK appreciates being outed by her neighbor's wife. Plus? According to her, (via the A&E biography linked upthread) the writing in cafes/heating story is a falsehood that really bugs her. No macaroni salad for that guy at the neighborhood block party.
I have been earwormed with the following for a week now...
You say Petraeus, I say Petronas
You say Petraeus, I say Petronas
Petraeus, Petronas
Petraeus, Petronas
Let's call the whole thing off
My-my-my-my Patronus!
Why yes, I AM old enough to remember when The Knack was cool.
Wow, tommyrot just sort of summarized my life, from one angle.
And I can't believe I hadn't made a Patronus/Petronas pun yet.
The Detective novel thing is a joke gone wrong:
"This is a joke that got out of hand," said Rankin, describing how the remark was made on stage during the course of a festival event.
"There were 600 people in the audience, and only one person didn't laugh," he added.
"There were 600 people in the audience, and only one person didn't laugh," he added.
And that person went right out and reported it to everyone he or she saw .....
That is funny. Although she is pretty good with embedding clues with in the text. I'd like to see what she could do with a detective novel.