This thread is a focused discussion group. Please see the first post below for the current topic and upcoming book discussions. While natter will inevitably happen, we encourage you to treat this like a virtual book club and try to keep your posts in that spirit.
By consensus, this thread is reopened specifically to discuss Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. It will be closed again once that discussion has run its course.
- **Spoilers for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows lie here. Read at your own risk***
That because of all the battles, there weren't a lot of grandparents still around. That's obviously going to be different in the HP future.
There's an excellent fic (recced further upstream, I believe) which posits that eleven years from the Battle of Hogwarts, the incoming class is going to be very small, due to the number of muggleborn wizards who'd been killed off, fled the country, etc.
But it wasn't until disco that he showed his power.
My mind is going to some very bad and very cracky places
I would think that the numbers would be lower than during Harry's tenure from the next year (What would be year 8)
But I bet that there were alot of births in the years following Voldemort's death so that even though there weren't that many kids in Teddy's class the younger ones would have much bigger classes.
Love the Teddy Lupin fic and also the one with Giles and the Marauders. Now I want her to write a follow-up in which Giles gets the news of everything from OOP on and then gets sent to Sunnydale.
Voldemort does seem like a very 70s sort of villain.
But it wasn't until disco that he showed his power.
Finally, an explanation for disco.
I just re-read the Epilogue, and it never refers to Ginny as Harry's wife, just as the kids' mother. Just something for the slashfic minded of us.
Aw hell, I missed the cover art discussion. Crappity.
FWIW, I prefer the American covers over most everything I've seen, though I think the covers for OotP & HBP are really dreary.
Now, if you want to talk
bad, here's the Italian cover to book 1 -
Well, I do have one set of covers that I think are better than the American ones, it's just that I've never been able to see the images at anything much larger than a couple of inches high. These would be the wonderful covers done by Alvaro Tapia for the Swedish editions -
I kind of like the Italian ones, but those Finnish ones kick butt. I notice after the Icelandic Zombie-Harry cover they went to the American covers.
I just re-read the Epilogue, and it never refers to Ginny as Harry's wife, just as the kids' mother. Just something for the slashfic minded of us.
Or anyone who wants to write a story where Mrs. Weasly never. fucking. speaks. to. Harry. Potter. ev. er. a. gain.