This thread is a focused discussion group. Please see the first post below for the current topic and upcoming book discussions. While natter will inevitably happen, we encourage you to treat this like a virtual book club and try to keep your posts in that spirit.
By consensus, this thread is reopened specifically to discuss Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. It will be closed again once that discussion has run its course.
- **Spoilers for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows lie here. Read at your own risk***
My god, Hermione whines. "But Harry you promised you wouldn't let the Dark Lord overpower you anymore and get into your head!" Damn it, girl, you think he enjoys this? You think he doesn't remember anything unless you harp about it?
He's tempted by doing it. It gives him knowledge. Hermione thinks the risk is more significant than the reward, she always has.
It's a nice grey area.
And, yeah, as fond as I am of porn and filth, I vote "not in the kids book please" as well.
Although, Hermione is the one who urges him to tap into Voldy's head while they're at Hogwarts and are looking for him to take out Nagini.
I was just talking with a co-worker who finished DH over the weekend, and we were saying how much we were looking forward to the movie version. All the Polyjuice Potion scenes should be fun for the various actors--Daniel Radcliffe doing seven versions of himself, Helena Bonham Carter as Hermione as Bellatrix, all should be pretty fun to watch.
I wanted to mention a small surprise that I really liked--that Fleur's family turned out to be so nice and accepting at the wedding. I was expecting them to be snooty at the Weasley house, but they were lovely.
Yes, I liked that as well. I also liked Mrs. Weasely offering Fleur the tiara after she got angry that anyone would think that she wouldn't marry Bill after he was attacked.
That's another good example of JK's recurring theme that people aren't always what they seem.
If I had seen someone wearing that shirt before I finished the book, I would have assaulted them.
That is just mean!
For a while I thought that the Wesley family tiara was going to be the diadem.
Today is JK Rowling's birthday.