Hey, the Monks downstairs apparently have quite the wine supply. I'd think that'd do in a pinch.
The Buffista Book Club: the Harry Potter iteration
This thread is a focused discussion group. Please see the first post below for the current topic and upcoming book discussions. While natter will inevitably happen, we encourage you to treat this like a virtual book club and try to keep your posts in that spirit.
By consensus, this thread is reopened specifically to discuss Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. It will be closed again once that discussion has run its course.
non-dead people move in pictures
I think dumbledore is dead, but I think there are legitimate reasons for him to be alive -- the helpfulness of going undercover, the silent curses, the incessant phoenix imagery, flying from the killing, curse, the offer to fake draco's death...
I think he's a goner. Pulling a Gandalf would be plausible, with all the phoenix imagery & so forth, but it would be such a cheat. And I don't think JKR lacks bottle to that degree - I think she's prepared to go the whole Mineare. I don't think Harry's going to die, but I've not ruled it out as a possibility. And I'm definitely feeling nervous for Snape. Think he'll maybe have a heroic death, but I wouldn't put it past JKR to give him a really annoying and pointless death ::cough::Sirius::cough::
I don't think its a cheat if its an elaborate set-up.
I think that the mentor-losing thing is appropriate to the kind of story I perceive JKR to be putting together - if this is supposed to be a growing-to-manhood, rites-of-passage deal. Which is how I read it, at this point. And from Kenobi on back, it's a precedent which packs a lot of oomph. If we go for the Gandalf model - well, it's not without precedent, but it detracts from the rites of passage thing, I think. But it may be that it's what she's going for.
Some of it is the degree of set up. IMO, more of it is the emotional set-up and pay-off. Even if there's a deep technical explanation, if the result is an, "Oh, sorry about your emotional trauma, Harry. Not dead," it feels kinda ass-pull-y, even if it was built in from the get-go.
eta: the thing about Gandalf is that he is, but, he's kinda not, too. I mean, it's the same guy, but he's not the same as when he left. He achieved a higher level of wizard-ness, or whetever.
there's ways to make it work though... this year's wesleycrusher is that Harry thinks Dumbledore is alive and keeps finding clues and nobody believes him
but I still think he's dead
this year's wesleycrusher
Bwahahahahaha!!! LOVE it.
I think DD is dead because the argument Hagrid overheard makes no sense if they were going to pull a fake out. The only explanation would be that Snape doesn't know it's going to be a fake out either.
Anyone else hoping that when Harry visits Godric's Hollow (that's Harry's parents house, right?), he finds something with his mother's hand writing and realizes she's the one who put the notes in his potions book. Yes I may have drunk the kool-aid on this one, but it would certainly be the one thing that could get Harry to start re-thinking Snape's role in EVERYTHING (although Harry's stubborn enough to probably believe Snape stole the book from Lily at some point).
I think it would be cheating for DD not to be dead. I realize that there's a mention of the phoenix at his funeral, but I think (hope) that this is not some clue that DD will come back. Plus, DD has said in the past that he does not fear death (I think he said: "to the organized mind, death is the next great adventure") and him coming back would undermine that lesson.
I do wonder just how interactive his portrait will be. I also wonder who the new head will be -- I think it's possible that the Ministry will want someone more loyal to it than McDonagall -- and how DD's portrait will "serve" the new headmaster/mistress as it is bound to do.
I also think that some of HPVII will be at the Ministry -- in that room with the veil that Sirius fell into. It seems like such an odd way to kill someone without some further payoff.
I also think that some of HPVII will be at the Ministry -- in that room with the veil that Sirius fell into. It seems like such an odd way to kill someone without some further payoff.
Ugh, I'm still angry. Most anti-climactic death since Kirk fell down and went boom in GENERATIONS.