Yeah, and the network standards people even made me cut a shot of Strong's belt being whipped off. So, not even all that graphic in any way.
Do we think that was because he was raping a man? Seems I've seen that gesture plenty. (But maybe not on television?)
I like Web better this week, he was a more enjoyable bastard.
So as you can probably tell, plots, especially crime plots, don't interest me all that much. Moments do. Probably gonna be my doom.
Emily, do you want me to answer that?
made me cut a shot of Strong's belt being whipped off
It wasn't needed, from what I could tell. The zip up kind of told us all we needed to know. That and when Strong said he saw Brandt's face on his wife's body all the time. Didn't really need more than that to connect the dots.
Didn't really need more than that to connect the dots.
And yet, it was enough to get the graphic sexual warning at the top of the show. Oy.
(Tim, insent)
Hey, I like moments. Moments are good.
And this week, by the way, was refreshingly twisty. Although in retrospect I can see what Strega's saying (we don't see a lot of extraneous characters on the show so far), I was really surprised by it.
Reamworks. That's me.
Hee. Tim speaks in capital letters.