I don't think the critic is saying that UTTAD, because she discusses Rebecca's past just a paragraph or two, before. She's blaming what she sees as a lapse in Rebecca's professionalism, on her just losing her job. But it seems to me Franklin missed that the killer's compulsion involves wanting to prove to those who pretend to be somebody, that they're actually nobody. She seems to miss that Rebecca intentionally admitted to having been made a nobody, in part, to disarm him. I thought that played clearly on screen. It did to me, at least.
I figure this show is going to need a few weeks to catch on. We've known about it for months. We've learned stuff as the premise and cast changed, in real time, and have had time to talk and think about it. I figure a good chunk of the entertainment reporters who have known they'd cover it, have only been looking at it for a couple of weeks, max. There are so many pilots each season, I can't imagine them giving any one too much attention, until it clear that the show is a go.
Waitaminnit, Jen, I had that tag first!
I mean, great minds think alike.
We can totally share.
I interpreted the name as the darkness inside society and humanity -- in that you knever really know who is just dark but with a sense of right and wrong and who has let the darkness twist them into a lurking monster.
Seems some folks think the photograph on the show of Allyson was actually me. Which is flattering, because she was a very pretty girl. It's hard to say, "nope, the pretty young lady was not me at all."
But I also got a call this weekend from an old dear friend I haven't spoken to since New Year's, who said, "Hey! I was watching The Inside and they said your name! Twice!"
That was pretty neat.
Thanks, Tim!
It went so fast, I thought there was a chance it was you, as you are also a very pretty girl. Oh well, maybe next season, he can kill you again.
Awww, that's sweet. I wanna do a DVD commentary!
"And here's where I get killed."
My parents will be so proud.
I think Tim should have you and Kristen in to record DVD commentary on some episode of something he does. The Kristen and Allyson (or is it "Allyson and Kristen") Show needs to be recorded for posterity.
From your keyboard to Tim's brain.
Hey, Strega got to do one!
My mom thought it was very cool that Tim killed you, Allyson!
Well, not cool in that..I mean...you know.
Hey, Strega got to do one!
Hey, she did?! Where? When?