I liked the twist with the suicide, although it seems kind of (really really) impossible.
The suicide did bring to mind the Gahan Wilson cartoon that showed a hand sticking out of a meat grinder next to a pile of ground meat. A police officer is saying, "Most determined case of suicide I've ever seen." I also missed what actually killed her, unless it was shock. I do admit that I have seen people with bipolar disorder do some pretty unlikely things on the manic side, although among the people I've known, it runs more to things like trying to call the president.
It also seemed a bit unlikely that it took Rebecca to notice the subway link. (Particularly since the agents would have known about evil subway employee serial killers if they watched L&O: CI.)
I also missed what actually killed her, unless it was shock
Same thing that killed all the others. The killer wasn't actually killing -- the death was a side effect of having the faces and hands skinned.
I buy that she could skin one of her own hands, but the idea of then using the skinless hand to do the other and half of her face is hard to swallow.
resists urge to use the phrase "hand-waving"
you know what - seeing it on the show last night - completely fine.
discussing it like this and making me actually THINK about it - making me want to kinda puke.
Thanks Tim, you should have sent out motion sickness bags in the press kit to make fun of the gore-o-phobic.
Were both hands skinned? I thought only the right hand was skinned (which was the clue that she'd done it herself, because all the other victims had had their left hands skinned, and Alvarez, being left-handed, couldn't do that).
The minute I typed about it (and was therefore extra hand-conscious) DEAR GOD THAT'S NASTY.
"I know all your problems" made up for the cheese of "forged in pain" (which also did work for Web the Puppet Master.) Also, now I want to know ALL their problems-and my money's on Transvestite!Danny (imagine the action figure). Hee.
The triangle's very interesting to me. Both the Sainted one and the PM see Rebecca as a tabula rasa-what happens when she decides she should be the one writing on it. Will she be able to? Or will the imprint of others be too strong to overcome (easily)?
I did almost ralph along with Rebecca in the morgue.
I'm still thinking about this show morning after. Good sign.
Congrats, Tim.
I think the "forged in pain" line worked a lot better in context than it did in the ads. Still, not my favorite line.
discussing it like this and making me actually THINK about it - making me want to kinda puke
raises hand me too. i'm sitting here eating animal crackers and reading this and trying very hard to suppress my gag reflex.
I buy that she could skin one of her own hands, but the idea of then using the skinless hand to do the other and half of her face is hard to swallow.
Speaking as a head case, the absolute lowest part of depression is disassociation, where you're floating outside of yourself, and it's like watching yourself in a movie.
There's no pain, nothing at all, and it allows you to do terrible things to hurt yourself. I'm unsure how physically she could continue to hold the knife even in that state, but I'll suspend disbelief for both that, and Marg's stiletto heeled investigatory fuck me boots on CSI.