Tim, I thought it was just gory enough to put me on edge and keep from feeling 'safe'. Let's us know how far you are willing to go, and that we could be slapped in the face with something awful at any time.
And enough that my over-active imagination is going to keep revisiting a scenario where someone peels off one of their hands and is able to keep trying at the other for a bit.
Tim, I'm squeamish as hell and I had no problem. I mentioned it earlier, but even NCIS has more gore than that on a fairly regular basis. So yes, I think the fact that it was even brought up is odd.
(I think I was misinterpreted on this before; I'm not saying 'NCIS is better because it's gorier'; I'm saying 'the media is freaking out for no reason.')
Okay, the show didn't gross me out, but I'm thinking of reporting SailAweigh to Standards & Practices.
Right, like you've never seen Farscape...
I see Web's saying things in reference to owning Becky as a way to make Paul be more protective of her since she's so green.
Well, Web knows his people.
And no, the gore was nowhere near the level I thought I was being warned about. Much more X-Files than CSI. (Early X-Files, when it was all stylized and dark because they couldn't afford lights yet.)
Hey, she's not really dead.
If Tim's thread is anything like some of his shows, being dead doesn't necessarily rule out communication.
i also think he's going to become way too overprotective of Rebecca and she's going to tell him where to go.
I don't see Rebecca telling
where to go right now. She's going to be pulled by whomever is talking to her at the time. Until she gets herself back and then it's smackdowns for everyone.
Anybody know of any overnight rating websites?
Right, like you've never seen Farscape...
Dude, you think I actually watched that scene? All I saw was my own fingers.
ETA: Which isn't anything to do with this show, so, uh... Tim? Please don't let them stick a needle into anyone's eyes. Thanks ever so, Emily.
by the way, east coasters -- now that you've seen it, doesn't all this hand wringing by the MSM critics about the gore seem a bit overwrought?
Lots grosser on CSI. This was brief enough not to gross you out but still have impact.
I told hubby, "Tim killed Allyson! That bastard!" But laughed. Hard.
I like Rebecca. Her talking through the vic's mind was very good. I totally got the implication--even without the cut line--that she was extremely inexperienced and would need handling.
Adam definitely was Adam. I love the way he can instantly lighten a scene and then make it serious again. Boy's got a good scowl and a better grin.
It's obviously a show with a lot more layers. And after this I have lots fo morbid curiousity about Rebecca's experience. It's like the character from Mystic River. What you're imagining in your head is ten times worse than what they show.
Oh, lord, even with the warnings from y'all, that Farscape eye thing... ::shudders::