Dear TimMinear Claus,
I would like my family's beagle to stop french kissing me, and to leave my shoes alone.
Much love,
...I am afraid I have already overhyped The Inside to my boyfriend. Oops. If it all goes to pot watching it at his house, I can join the lovely Trianglistas for viewage. Wednesday night is TV night, after all.
Also, superpsyched about using my new film noir skills to pick the show apart.
msbelle, is any of them pink? Do you have my address? Could this be any more off-topic? Could I make myself go home already?
Also thank you!
none of it is pink. I already have your address. This is on topic because the stuff for you is INSIDE the box and because I would've never
met you
met you if Allyson and Kristen hadn't been talking one night and then if it hadn't been mentioned while Tim was around and if he hadn;t said, "hey, let me really generous for this awesome Nilly, chic."
So yeah, you are always on topic.
Psst, Kevin
"As you?ve seen the series come from conception to the finished product,"... perhaps you might like to fix the ? where the ' should be?
Dear Santa Tim,
My request is mulitifold. I'd like a new pony. Or a used but not yet broken pony would be fine to.
Also, I'd like for you to help pay for msbelle to come visit me so she can help me install our ceiling fan.
Also, an ice cream cone.
Thanks so much. I've been a good girl this year. Mostly.
Silly people.
I just want someone, in the second Firefly movie, to say they are going to "Nilly that link on the Cortex."
I just want someone, in the second Firefly movie, to say they are going to "Nilly that link on the Cortex."
This is the best of the wishes by far.
I'm with Kiba on this. There really oughta be someone asking for a "Nilly" on a link. It would make me laugh and cry and scream a girly fannish scream. It would also make me happy.
Kat, I'm pretty sure you'd want the pony already broken. Unless you're planning a second career in rodeo...
t /lame equestrian punnish pedantry.
Tim Minear:
It's interesting, and maybe after things air we can discuss, but the three I picked to go first were not at all the first three written or produced. I know, I know, you're all thinking "that damn FOX!, airing out of order!" It's me. Not them. I wanted what I thought were strong episodes that represented the tone up front. And there are some continuity things I was careful not to disturb. But if I'd aired strictly as written, she wouldn't have been in peril in the second episode, for instance. But, much as I like that episode (and the network loved it, so they wouldn't have minded it being 2nd and not 4th), I didn't feel it quite represented what the show was as well as say, Pre-Filer or even Old Wounds, which I am running 2nd.
Is the reshuffled episode order your preferred order even for the eventual DVD set or is it just the optimal order for the initial television run to hook viewers?
We did a table read yesterday with the cast for the network and studio bigs. Went great. And Alexis Denisof was a dear friend to come in and read the role of Web (has yet to be cast) for us at the read. He's a couple decades too young for the part, but he was superb and I'm so grateful for the favor. I sent him booze.
If Fox picks up the back nine (fingers crossed), would you consider introducing a reoccuring role for Alexis?