Allyson - didn't know that - I apologise.
I was wondering about spoilers. There's a spoilers forum at TI, but I was thinking of removing it. I'm not a great fan of big plot twists being leaked in advance nowadays. Although I suppose if it's going to happen, it's going to happen.
Cindy, I forgot to ask how Scott is feeling about the whole thing. Also, did you get a chance to think about notes for the thing I sent?
I'm not a great fan of big plot twists being leaked in advance nowadays.
Just as long as everyone understands, it wasn't me.
Allyson - didn't know that - I apologise.
Pft. I have no claim on Tim. I'm just being a jackass.
Yeah, I know. However, if you 'want him' first, go for it.
(This is another post which I could serious do with rewriting, but it's 1am, and I can't be arsed).
Edit: Serenity preview thing removed on request
Someday I'd like to see a show that has an extremely obese man that *isn't* a devient/serial killer/etc. Hurley from Lost is the most normal fat man on TV.
For instance a story about someone like Hurley being falsely accused of, say pedophila or rape, and show the prejudices and angst and treatment and indelible aftermath of ruining this man's life. And? Without him being suddenly convieniently struck with a heart attack or stroke, or some other stereotypical fat disease. Plus? I don't want to see
one single scene
of the man pigging out, even for a laugh. God that irritates me.
I have no claim on Tim.
I think I claimed Tim five years ago in the name of France. Or maybe just EuroDisney.
I might have a flag around here someplace.
I might have a flag around here someplace.
Please don't tell me where you planted the flag.
A webmistress never plants and tells.
Daniel, so I guess the whole cannibalism thing, a non starter with you?
Cindy, I forgot to ask how Scott is feeling about the whole thing.
He's tickled pink. Of course he keeps saying very bad things, like "Episode 9? Muahahahaha. You'll never get me, Minear!!!"
Also, did you get a chance to think about notes for the thing I sent?
Oh dear. Yeah. The response must be in my draft folder in my email. Let me make sure I finished, and then I'll send it to you.