Oh, and the fact that Lee Pace and Tyron Leitso are not waiting in the other room to tend to my every sexual whim after I get off this keyboard is a very wrong thing. Even criminal.
Going by the commentaries Caroline Dhavernas and Katie Finneran would agree with you there about Tyron. As would I.
Never underestimate the power of nice.
Ran into someone I haven't seen in about 8 years tonight. At one point the conversation turned to entertainment and she mentioned loving things that have to do with serial killers, so I dutifully pimped The Inside to her.
Hmm, I haven't seen enough out-of-character footage of him to make that determination myself. Of the actors I have a personality impression of, I think I'd like Katie the best (though perhaps not so much for niceness as sounding the most fun).
(Matt, I was making a silly comment about the name. It's not so much about the actor)
I've been gone for a while but, a) Kristen made a very very funny Dallas joke. and b) I heard word that The Inside was pretty cool from some other people. And c)Allyson is my favorite product pusher.