I love Allyson because:
And even Fury's involvement in LOST doesn't make me snark on it any less. It's a trainwreck on it's way to slamming into the side of the mountain.
If I thought The Inside sucked, I'd not have been actively supporting it.
. I think it's a terrible idea, but then, the last four years of Spike and teh scenery chewing hurt my head.
I love Kevin too:
I found Spike fairly interesting, until he like tried to rape Buffy, and everybody continued to go "Ooooh Spikes great! I'd shag him!". Then there's the Fonz effect season 7... I'll stop typing now.
...Spike and Spice are not that different in spelling, and should be applied in similar manners. The only way a Spike anything would work for me would be if it were a Spike'n'Dru-in-the-past deal. Otherwise I'd be bored or appalled, depending.
Dear Cable System:
If you do a Broadcast System Test at this time next week, I'm coming over and kicking your ass.
Hugs, kisses and warnings not to fuck with me,
Dear Cable System:
If you do a Broadcast System Test at this time next week, I'm coming over and kicking your ass.
Hugs, kisses and warnings not to fuck with me
What is it with the cable systems picking prime time to test their systems, anyway? Actually, I think they give too much power to the local police without explaining that they are likely to piss off the citizenry with tests of Amber alerts, and thunderstorm/tornado tests during primetime season finals in May. And anytime else.
Save the tests for after the early news, people. Or, you know, 3 am.
(Poking head to post: go, Kristen! With the leaving of the evil job. Murder or no murder).
Short mention of THE INSIDE from the Boston Globe (in an article on Summer shows), with a little quote from our boy (if there's a review, it won't be until next week most likely):
In a departure for Fox, the network will air a drama series that is grittier than its typical summer fare. ''The Inside," which debuts June 8 at 9 p.m., concerns an FBI violent crimes unit in Los Angeles. Rebecca Locke is a rookie in the unit with a secret: She was abducted and held captive as a child. Unfortunately, her superiors know her secret and intend to exploit her special insight into the criminal mind, even if she gets hurt.
''Her boss . . . puts her in danger," says Tim Minear, an executive producer on the series. ''But he may be pushing her toward something that helps her heal. Or he may be sadistic. We'll have to see."
Folding money says the answer to that last bit is: A little of both. Why limit yourself.
arggghhh! I just realized last night that the premiere of The Inisde coincides with a concert that I have tickets for. I will miss the watch and post. sob! and I just got my new wireless modem in the mail yesterday, so I can watch and post in comfort!!
I'm feeling a little like a six year old in sitting in front of a big chocolate cake with my mouth duct taped shut and told that I can't have a piece until next week.
I will miss the watch and post.
Me too. I'll be in Nashville. But the TiFaux is set for a series recording.