We never found out what happened to Dru, right? Or Oz, for that matters.
Tim can kill Dru all he wants, but WRT Oz, I'll kill him if he tries anything.
I like Betsy's counter-rumor idea. I hear Tim also wrote all of S2 News Radio, practically all of due South, and the dead clown episode of the Mary Tyler Moore show, and also that Tim killed Colonel Blake and he'd do it again.
Colonel Blake
Nooooo, not Colonel Blake!!!
See, I heard he wrote Weekend at Bernies, II.
And he did it for free.
He also wrote this season's finale of NCIS.
Tim killed Colonel Blake and he'd do it again.
Killing Col. Blake could totally have been a Tim move. Huh. That may have been one of my earliest experiences of having my heart ripped out and stomped on by a TV show.
I expect the Tim Reaper had a hand in all the greatest deaths, going back to Bambi's Mom.
Tim was probably the one who stuck Cherry in that fridge on Punky Brewster, too. True, she didn't DIE, but it was close. Horrifying tv.
I DARE you to find a child of the 80's who didn't know not to get in an old fridge they found lying about.
Tim was probably the one who stuck Cherry in that fridge on Punky Brewster, too
This scene haunts me - I really really never ever get even NEAR an old fridge and when (Veronica Mars spoiler)
Veronica Mars did I knew she must've been born too late to have seen that episode.
There is also some Halloween something associated with Punky Brewster that upsets me. I was Punky Brewster for Halloween a billion years in a row (betcha didn't know it's been that long since the show was on the air, didja?).
going back to Bambi's Mom.
And Melanie in Gone with the Wind. And the entire cast of Hamlet. And Julius Caesar.
And Melanie in Gone with the Wind. And the entire cast of Hamlet. And Julius Caesar.
That's right. And who was it he killed off in
again? I'm having a bit of a brain fart.
Maybe Tim is responsible for every death ever connected with The Scottish Play.