I am holding out for the Wonderfalls DVDs as a birthday gift. (Maybe I ought to MENTION them to gift-buying people in the next little bit.)
You see, I own a cat. Which makes me a wannabe writer fan.
If I get a beagle, will I become a real writer?!
Some real writers have cats.
and lastly, I want to add that my favorite episode of Buffy is that one Tim wrote, where some people died, and stuff happened. Damn, that episode kicked ass.
I get irrationally angry that it wasn't given a better shot.
Cindy, as usual, is me. Only with more kids and a dead sexy, but doomed hubby.
On Wonderfalls, I'm kinda resigned. My experiences in pimping it have been pretty straightforward - the type of people that liked, say, Buffy, generally liked it. The type that didn't, didn't. Based on that, I think it was pretty much always doomed on Fox, which is very sad.
I pimped Wonderfalls to three co-workers. One came back to work the next day and said, "It's brilliant! But you know it's too smart to last, right?" *sigh*
A friend who still looks askance at me for
ended up watching the first four episodes of
in one evening while visiting me. Her choice. I suggested the first one, and after each one she would say, "Well, we have to watch the next one."
Happened to me too. But only with people that I'm convinced WOULD like Buffy if they could get past the vampires.
Why talking animals is better for some people is completely beyond me. But there you go.
A writer friend of mine (Tad Williams) has both a beagle and a cat. He also writes wickedly horrible monsters.
Wonder if that is the beagle or the cat doing the influence.
We sent out review copies with three episodes, The Pilot, Old Wounds, and Pre-Filer
Shit. I got places for to review things. And I'll even be objective. I swear.
Eh. You know I'm just angling to see it. I'm so infuriatingly impatient.
Wonder if that is the beagle or the cat doing the influence.
Probably the interaction between the two.