Heather, I will bake you cookies every week for the entire run of the show.
Aww. Don't worry; both Mr. H and I will be watching I'm sure at least the first four or five even if we aren't crazy about the first one- so they'll know we watch it. I'm more worried that they'll think "Ah-ha! People who like cheesy 80's primetime soaps also like disturbing complex procedural dramas (when actually, I'm less concerned about the
of show and more concerned with whether I find the writing, acting and direction good.) Little do they know we only watch Dallas to say "Poor dumb Bobby.", watch Sue Ellen's Trembling Lip 'O Doom (TM), and make fun of Donna Krebs "Ra-ay!"
The more elusive they get, the more they can charge, like truffles, and the masses are just ground meat.
So you're saying I AM chopped liver.
Hi all, new to the board as of last night. I was up late reading thousands of posts here. Good to see a few folks I recognise from www.theinside.org *waves*. Nice to see Tim stops by occassionally. Am I the only one who wanted to check to see if he wrote the season finale of NCIS?
Don't follow NCIS, but welcome Jade.
I think habitual lateness tends to protect me from the prior advertising most of the time—I'm lucky if I catch any previews in the theatre.
Picking nits, but the previews aren't what's being referred to as ads. Actual ads for soft drinks, scents and SUVs, run before the movie. I don't mind 'em at the $3.50 anytime theatre, but they make me complain to management when I've paid $10.00 for a ticket.
Most anything the cinema chooses to do with their screen before the listed movie time is okay with me. I do like to be there, but that's the time I can talk, surf the web on my PDA, read a book, whatever. I'm still waiting for what I paid for.
From ticketed time onwards, though, I get testy.
Mickey, in that sentence I was using "previews" to mean movie trailers themselves. I'm generally in my seat about 2-5 minutes after start time, and am lucky if they're still showing actual previews rather than the movie itself.
I don't mind 'em at the $3.50 anytime theatre, but they make me complain to management when I've paid $10.00 for a ticket.
And without em, it'd probably be $20.00 for a ticket.
Not necessarily. I watch movies in the SF area, and although there are ads in slideshows, there are generally not movie ads before the trailers. (Bother. By "movie ads" I mean "ads that are movies", not "ads for movies".)
I paid $10.00 a head to go to ROTS, no ads.
They show TV ads here. Ads that you see on TV, and ads
TV. I admit, everyone pretty looks prettier that way. I kinda like it.