"If you look at youth and how they consume media, TV is still an important part of the mix, but especially for young males it's becoming a smaller part," says Brian Povinelli, vice president of integrated marketing for Reebok.
This was from this week's Time magazine. If the prized demographic (18-34 year old males) is becoming a smaller percentage of prime time television viewers why the fuck do they get to decide what stays and what goes?
I just can't help but think that they haven't caught up with how much buying power women actually have. And isn't the shit men buy supposed to impress me and make me want to give them blowjobs?
Marketing should all be about me.
Also, if I can find the people who make those Axe deodorant ads with women humping toasters? I will smite them most righteously. I need to know what that shit smells like so I can avoid all boys wearing it.
That's just because you haven't met the right toaster.
There's a deodorant called "Axe"?
For some reason that's an even stranger notion to me than women humping toasters.
I need to know what that shit smells like so I can avoid all boys wearing it
DH wears it. Because HE likes it. I don't hump the toaster and couldn't really describe what it smells like. Besides deoderant.
I don't hump the toaster and couldn't really describe what it smells like.
Of course you don't hump the toaster, you hump
Women are humping toasters because the Axe can gets recycled. I find it amusing.
I find it creepy and strange, and it's only now that I've learnt what the damned product is. The ads turned me off way before that point.
I need to know what that shit smells like so I can avoid all boys wearing it
You can find them all at Carl's Jr.
Inside promos - I think posted by novachild?
Any objection to me linking to this from another forum (9000 members, 200,000 posts) outside of b.org? Someone just compared The Inside to Tru Calling. No, I'm not joking.