Okay, I'm thinking half an episode really isn't enough to get a feel for the show. But I have made a date in my diary, quarter to eight, Thursday nights. Let the watching begin.
Because what I need is another show to obsess about.
Wait a minute, another to show to obsess about is
what I need, seeing as how they CANCELLED ALL MY OTHER ONES.
I envy you and I envy the Canadians getting to see the full run.
Wait a minute, another to show to obsess about is exactly what I need, seeing as how they CANCELLED ALL MY OTHER ONES.
And maybe they won't cancel this one! Oh wait...
I wish our boy would stop by and tell us about the new show. I'm crawling out of my skin, ready to burst because I want to tell everyone what it's about RIGHT NOW.
What Consuela said, Weeeee!
That takes some of the sting out of Joss packing up his TV shingle, as Tim and Jane working together essentially gets you Joss
Neat. I applaud your sharing. Do it again, do it again ...
Is there stuff out there generally about the show yet? All I remember is hearing that it'll air in January. And something about 21 Jump Street.
I suppose I could Google; off I go.
Speaking of Jump Street, I see the Season 1 DVD set is about to be released. Heee.