Men With This Dog Make Good Husbands
Here are some of the findings in case you want to plan your weekend accordingly. Men who own these dog breeds, act this way.
*Beagle: Very high-strung. Any physical activity the two of you can do together in and out of the bedroom, all the better.
Funny list. I like how she dated four men of each type, and she's concluded that her conclusions work 100% of the time. And that everyone is necessarily looking to get married, and to a dog person, at that.
do not want to know that tim is high-strung in the sack do not want to know that tim is high-strung in the sack do not want to know that tim is high-strung in the sack do not want to know that tim is high-strung in the sack do not want to know that tim is high-strung in the sack do not want to know that tim is high-strung in the sack do not want to know that tim is high-strung in the sack do not want to know that tim is high-strung in the sack
Alibelle, you're fired.
Now taking applicants for a new Alibelle. BYOKetchup.
This thread is making me laugh too hard.
Bwhahahahah! Poor Allyson.
I love the indiscriminately-loving (i.e., promiscuous?) nature of Golden Retriever owners. That's just adorable.
I love the summation:
"There's no bad dog like there's no bad man; it's all about how they're trained."
So no need to worry, Allyson. Tim can be broken.
I thought the summation was great, too.
I want to know how this woman went about conducting her experiments during her 120 dates. Did she have any sort of criteria at all, other than that they had a dog? Did she take a notebook with her on the date? Did she sleep with all 120 of them, for the sake of science? Or did she just like the beagle guys? So very many questions.
Sorry, Allyson. If it's any consolation, I still like you. But I was giggling too much to not share with the class.
Tim can be broken.
Okay, you go do that and don't tell me anything about it.
you go do that and don't tell me anything about it.
Dude. This is the internet. Of course we share.
Happy Birthday, Kristen!
"There's no bad dog like there's no bad man; it's all about how they're trained."
A friend of mine who's married to a professional dog trainer has often remarked that he suspects his wife of having that same philosophy.
I laugh and laugh and laugh.