Raise your hand if you think Rupert Murdoch makes any of these sorts of programming decisions, or has ever seen Tru Calling, or even knows who Eliza Dushku is.
Even more troublesome is if you believe that Murdoch has seen TC and knows who ED is, then try to explain why production was just halted on TC and it was kicked off Fox's schedule.
Is she playing the girl who's parents are in France?
(I haven't seen last night's
Hm. Tim keeps saving the day.
I wonder if he takes off his glasses, spins in a phone booth donning tights and a cape and becomes SuperShowrunner.
Fighting for HoYAY!, HSQ, and SOs to ita.
Fighting for HoYAY!, HSQ, and SOs to ita.
Is SO still Significant Other in this context, or something else?
I don't understand. You think Tim pimps for ita?
Thanks, 'Suela.
And maybe one of these days, he'll have them pronounce it right!
FOX said in May that "The Inside" would debut on Friday nights in January. The early-2005 date is still the target, but given the fluidity of the network's lineup thus far this season, just where it ends up is anyone's guess.
Friday nights? So we should concentrate on the fluidity thing, huh?
you get Tim to pimp for me?
Ta, every so.
"The Inside" ... original pilot about a young police officer (Rachel Nichols) who goes undercover in a high school.
Sounds like
21 Jump Street: The Next Generation
Is this a good thing?