I'm really digging the broody, "I am an auteur" headshot.
Me, too. I clicked on the ad, so I could have access to the article, and went to get the kitchen to get more coffee. By the time I returned, the article and headshot were showing on my screen. From a far, I actually wondered if it the shot was of Marky Mark --I think it must have been Tim's eyes that put me in mind of the other fella. Then, as I got my own 37 year old eyes into the same room where the monitor was, I realized it had to be Tim.
Well, whatever happens, I'll watch those three or four first episodes, and the dvd's later. If the show continues, I'll watch more than that. If it doesn't, that's a couple of hours of entertainment that I wouldn't have otherwise had, if Fox hadn't decided to give Tim another shot.
Me, too. It's sad to me, that that's how I have to approach TV, now.
Tim, have you considered writing books?