I seem to recall vaguely that Tim and Todd were more writer guys and Bryan more director guy.
Todd is a director. Bryan is a writer.
Maybe Todd and Tim just had less opportunity to work closely than the latter two did?
I think that is true. Todd was the one in Canada for most of the filming.
gah, that's what I get for trying to be more specific than "that guy" and "that other guy".
I was kind of puzzled by Todd talking about being away from home and his partner for so long... isn't his partner Scotch Ellis Loring? Who had to be wherever they were shooting for at least several episodes' worth of time since he appeared in them.
Or have I gotten Todd and Bryan mixed up?
And January 2005, now? What?
I just asked Bryan about that, and he said "we just found out today the new official date is January 18th. we were told the competition was too heavy for the original date. whatev."
Sigh. More damn waiting!
we were told the competition was too heavy for the original date. whatev."
Gilmore Girls
S2 (yay!) comes out then; that's the only one I know.
New date from TVShowsonDVD:
Wonderfalls - Release pushed back
Posted by Gord Lacey
According to SaveWonderfalls.com, Fox has pushed the release of the set back to January 18th because the previous date (December 7th) was too crowded. Hopefully we'll have an official announcement from Fox within the next few weeks.
Here's a list of dvds coming out on December 7th.
Here's a list of dvds coming out on December 7th.
So the Matrix thing hogs all the press, but the only release I see directly competing with WF is the Carnivale release. I guess the Trek release is in the general geek market, but I don't see it as directly competing for the same dollar.
Interesting. However, releasing it in January, when many people have post-Holidays credit card fatigue smacks of dumping, to me. No?
I don't care, I'll buy it whenever.
Here's a list of dvds coming out on December 7th.
Species III
!!! Yess!!!11!