I think Tip O'Neill is laughing in his grave.
Mr. Speaker! My dad used to point him out to me when we'd drive past the hill and see him walking every now and again. I was soooo little. "Allyson, that's the Speaker. He's very important."
He just looked like a grampa to me.
When my friend's mom was a teenager, her dad (my friend's grampa) wrote editorials for the Globe. Every now and again Tip called the house and said, "Kathleen, I like your father, but today he's an asshole."
Either Betsy is on a plane to LA to take me up on the offer, or is looking for a blunt object with which to bludgeon me.
Betsy was in bed with Mr. Migraine Drug. More the bludgeonee than the bludgeoner.
That's why I could (correctly or not) think of Kristen, Allyson, shrift, and 'suela as BNFs
Cindy, I have a whole essay on my LJ about status in fandom online. Basically, it's relative and transient, so that someone can be a BNF in one place/forum/fandom and a complete no-name in another, and also changing status over time. It's memoried under "meta", I believe.
I was at one point kind of a BNF in Farscape fandom, back in 02-03, when the show was on the air and I was active in the campaign and posting reviews on my blog and doing a lot of writing. NSM anymore though. Like I said, things change. I think I'm better known as a Scaper in the multi-fandom LJ community than I am in the greater Scaper community at large, where I generally pass unseen nowadays. Which, ya know, is fine by me.
Someday, I plan to gather up all my BNF capital, and use it for evil. Like, "I was at the offices the other day picking up some signed stuff for a charity auction, and ran into Joss. I asked him directly about whether he planned on any Buffyverse projects, soon, and he said, and I quote, "No fucking way. I'm so sick of that shit, if I even hear about it again I'm going to pull a Sallinger and never write again.""
Someday. Someday I will use it all for evil.
Just not today.
Oh! Oh! And then I'll collect up all the passwords for all the sites I've registered writers at, and I'll back myself up by impostering Fury.
Damn I wish I didn't have ethics. Damn.
And damn it, I'm gullible enough that, when you do, I am going to completely fall for it.
Every time.
Oh! Oh! And then I'll collect up all the passwords for all the sites I've registered writers at, and I'll back myself up by impostering Fury.
Then you must of course blame it on a mortal enemy who hijacked
Cindy, I have a whole essay on my LJ about status in fandom online.
Is it recent, 'suela? I'd like to read it.
Oh! Oh! And then I'll collect up all the passwords for all the sites I've registered writers at, and I'll back myself up by impostering Fury.
Why do I think he would get a big kick out of this?
Is it recent, 'suela? I'd like to read it.
It's in my LJ memories under Meta, I think. Called The Great High School Fallacy. The only LJ entry I ever did that got more than 100 comments. heee.
Why do I think he would get a big kick out of this?
He can find the cranky in any situation.