Both think there should be no government interference in economic affairs.
Nah, but if you make your living sucking cock, he feels free to pass judgment on that. Though he wouldn't stop you from doing it, so there's that. Also, he's not so much with the church goin'.
Mal's political philosophy is "mind your own damned business", and would that there were more of those.
From the way Republicans talk, there should be government involved in business, to help business out.
How is this different from Food Stamps? Don't both help people survive? I'm a Small Business Owner. When I plan an event, a DJ, hotel staff from maids to event coordinators, A/V employees, catering staff, printers, bartenders, and local restaurants all get a day's work because I planned an event. I've contributed a New Thing into the economy, and those people will use the money paid to them through my creation to buy gas, pay rent, purchase new shoes, invest in a stock.
So the government says, because I contributed to the fueling of the economy, to other's survival, I get to pay a few bucks less into what would otherwise be used to purchase food and clothing items for those who can't or won't find jobs, i.e. welfare.
It's a social program, like any other. It goes awry in terrible ways, like many other social programs.
From the way Republicans talk, there should be government involved in business, to help business out.
How is this different from Food Stamps?
It's not. It's food stamps for business. Which I would have fewer problems with if the people advocating it weren't against social services for people.
Mostly, it's the going awry that bothers me. Incentives to small businesses don't usually bother me. Incentives to major corporations often do. For example, we get a lot of cruise ships where I live. They don't want to pay a head tax, and pit community against community about it. They do contribute to the community, by bringing people to spend money in the community, but they also take from it. Many local businesses are actually hurt by the cruise ships, and they cause a large drain on local services such as bus service, medical services, roads, etc. Some in my community wish the cruise ships would go away. I don't go that far, but I do think that they should pay their share, in the form of a head tax. I resent how they play one community against another, and the state and federal governments against the communities.
I'm noticing a trend of foot-in-mouth with myself tonight. Plus, I'm tired and have been spending altogether too much time in front of the computer, so I'm going to sign off for now.
I do wish your brother and you all the best, Allyson, and I'll keep him in my thoughts for a speedy and full recovery.
Incentives to small businesses don't usually bother me. Incentives to major corporations often do
Well here's where the pickle is, for me.
Which I would have fewer problems with if the people advocating it weren't against social services for people.
Here's the thing. Social services for people work in that it prevents us from living in a society where we have people with carts tolling bells and bellowing, "BRING OUT YOUR DEAD."
The gorgeousness of social services is that the intent is that people who need the services won't always need them, or haven't always needed them, so that they are investing in a society in which bell-ringers are obsolete.
Low interest student loans are a form of welfare many of us are familiar with. The Government says, "We will front you the money at a low rate of interest. Statistically speaking, if you have a college education you will be more likely to find a job and pay back into the system with your yummy yummy taxes. We're investing in you."
This is the way it is with tax incentives for businesses, as well. You can get low-interest loans for your business, or get tax breaks for your business, in the hope that you'll be successful and contribute to the ecomony and keep the bell-ringers at bay.
Food stamps are supposed to work the same way as the tax incentive. The Government's interest is in you putting your shoulder to the wheel. You're not supposed to rely on it for a lifetime, just til you're on your feet.
Some folks leech off the system, have children who leech off the system, and live forever as wards of the state for their daily bread. Big business can do the same. Welfare isn't supposed to be a reward for you having been born, anymore than tax incentives for businesses are supposed to be a reward because you (or your grandpappy) had a groovy new idea that created jobs.
At some point, you're a leech and need to get off the dole. If your profit margin is such that you own a yacht and a home in Tuscany, you're not getting a break, you're getting a bonus check. And you don't fucking need it. Your reward is your success, yo. You can stand on your own two feet, fucko.
And maybe conservatives bitching about social programs also hate the Big Business Welfare and grumble. I hate Welfare leeches just as much. This coming from someone who knows, at heart, that if by some fate that her dad didn't stick around, she'd have grown up on Processed Cheese Food in Large Industrial Sized Blocks.
Ever look back at the thread and wonder, "what the fuck does this have to do with Minear?"
Ever look back at the thread and wonder, "what the fuck does this have to do with Minear?"
Well, this discussion did recreate most of the dialog from 'Moon,' but with more spirit and human interest.
Nobody has offered to sleep with anybody yet. Ergo, not Heinlein.
Wait Betsy.
Oh my god! Math is so hard! I need to be fucked for I am an emptyheaded hole! Teach me how to breed?