thankfully, he's been banned too.
Oh, I missed that. I haven't lurked in a while. How'd he hang himself?
that's one good thing about beta. the quick response to get rid of bezoars.
Yes. Very good.
Oh look. Now we've made Polgara nostalgic, too. Quick tiggy, find one of jono's posts, or something.
Mostly, I'm glad we cherry-picked the cool Bronzers.
Very well-trained raiding parties.
Oh, I missed that. I haven't lurked in a while. How'd he hang himself?
last friday he went on an h1 rampage saying fuck a lot and just generally being an ass. i reported him to Artie and Phoenix. presto! no more bezoar!
Quick tiggy, find one of jono's posts, or something.
this one amuses me because of the *snerk*-ing factor.
Sephiroth says:
(Fri May 4 12:09:11 2001
(delete irrelevant crap here)
Geo - First of all, don't call yourself a bezoar or anything worse, it's not good to say. Second, you are not worse than I was, because I came back constantly. Third, have a wonderful day!
this post from Cashmere had me cracking up.
Cashmere says:
(Fri May 4 13:23:24 2001
did I miss the mass Bezoar mating ritual?
Cause they are everywhere
tags tags are not my friend.
What exactly is a bezoar? I mean, other than a mystical thing (from the stomach of a warthog, I think) that makes one immune from most poisons?
Nova - bronzers used it as a derogatory term for posters who just came to the board seeking to create havoc/not follow the long standing rules and traditions. it comes from the Buffy ep Bad Eggs.
persistance does pay off. here's Penlind's final post:
Penlind says:
(Sat May 5 18:16:30 2001
Hi Everybody! I just wanted to stop in and thank the Bronze one last time for all of your support during the past few days. I can never express what a wonderful thing you have done with the silent vigils and the care that you have shown my family. I truly wish that I could thank each and every one of you, and perhaps what I am about to do can be a step towards just that.
This is the final time that I or Cairo will be posting on the Bronze. I received word tonight from a good friend and Bronzer that we are causing some friction on the Board. That has never been our intention, and it is even against my religion. No controversy, no contest. Always put others first. Many Quaker greet each other with the word JOY, which makes people even more convinced that we are too happy to be real. It actually stands for means Jesus first, You last, Others inbetween. It is a reminder to give more than you take. I will not continue to make the Board a tense place when you kind hearts deserve so much better. You need to be able to focus on other things. I want to assure our friends here that we are indeed real, and we will continue to email with those of you who would like to. But at the same time, my family is boring everyone to death at this point, and I don't blame you! This is, after all, the wonderful Buffy the Vampire Slayer Board! And that is what you should be discussing.
I was initially drawn to the board by a number of very philosophical discussions that I was lucky enough to read, and began to post in an effort to add something to that arena. I hope I have, because you have shown me such commitment and debate that I have been entertained, amazed, and actually left speechless. My students would tell you incredible that is. Never lose this passion and focus. It is a rare thing today.
I know that Cai will be disappointed when I tell her my decision in the morning, but she is lucky to have a vast amount of friends and family who will fill the void. I hope she has not bored you too much. I have posted many hours of love notes to you about what you have done for her, and I know that I can speak for her when I say that she loves each of you. Whether you have posted with her or not, she knows each of your names, you opinions, and your discretions, and she will remember each of you forever.
Sephiroth, I have been reading your posts today, and I hope you don't mind my stating this openly, but I am so proud of you! What a wise person you are, and now I can hear it! Behind the anger, there is so much intelligence and clarity. I love to read your ideas, and I want you to know that you have friends here in the Bronze. Lean on them, and trust me when I tell you that they will stand by you. Hate just leads to hate, but look what happens when you state your ideas clearly. Your opinions have not changed, only the presentation, and your opinions are important. Speak clearly, and your friends can hear you. I am so glad to have met you. Have fun, join in. Others will accept the change because what you are saying is interesting.
Well, that's it friends. Hope we haven't been too much of a nuisance, and thank you for everything! We have enjoyed it.
Hate just leads to hate
I thought hate led to anger, and anger led to suffering...or something.
I thought hate led to anger, and anger led to suffering...or something.
Only if you have too many midichlorians....
(Did I spell that wrong? If so, don't tell me.)
dies (much like the BBS, when Dru killed him off screen, during the episode Passion)
Aw, poor dead Xanderella. So WRONG. The BBS is ALIVE. 'Twas poor Jenny that got killed. *snap*
I thought hate led to anger, and anger led to suffering...or something.
Hate leads to anger, anger leads to lawsuits. It's all good.