I know I was still in extreme-overly-excited newbie phase, then. I'm sort of reading from the hall, because pretty soon, I expect to see myself posting in CAPS because I didn't know how to bold, or spamming the board to vote for James Marsters in some online poll.
Heh. That's so cute. Teenyboppy!Cindy.
ita, i hope i don't have to punch you in the head really hard so you'll know i loves me some ita. but if a shiner will do it, you know where to find me.
You're welcome to (try and) punch me in the head any time you want, Allyson, but you don't need to to demonstrate anything to me.
When I was at my cloudiest, it was during a time of chronic pain -- it managed to cut through the same fog it caused. But that's why pain won't work for
as a clarifier.
It would have been precious Hec, except I was 34. I was probably the internet equiv. though. The Bronze linear was only the second place I'd ever posted on the internet, and my first stop was the Bronze threaded. The old Bronze was a sticky site, the way b.org is (which is more or less only the 4th board where I've posted regularly at all, and the only non-Bronzer one). Reading those boards makes me homesick, even though we were being taken like...a taken thing.
My homesickness for the Bronze is gone. Hm.
My homesickness for the Bronze is gone. Hm.
I thought mine was too. This brought it back though. Darn it.
I am better (mostly), and do not mind at all ita. And thank you Cindy, JZ. I also cut at one point, after I had stopped lying, and stopped because the reward I craved was public.
McGreevy's choice of an Israeli poet for the security position had struck me as an odd one. If New Jersey politics was not so hardball and corrupt at the state level, I would agree with Ariana that it was a passive decision. But in this state, I think he was counting on getting caught.
because the reward I craved was public
Arguably why I got so involved in fandom.
Did you enjoy the act of telling the tales? Did you make up stuff about yourself, or others? If you don't want to talk about it, I understand.
My homesickness for the Bronze is gone. Hm.
I thought mine was too. This brought it back though. Darn it.
I don't think mine ever will be. even with the very short time i had to spend on the official board, it was more like home to me than any other board. the beta tried at first, but there was just too much conflict of interest. now beta is just a sad place. there is little to no reason for me to post there anymore and that's hard for me. i'm glad so many bronzers have gone the route of livejournal. it is my home away from home. still not the same, but there's still just as much drama. *g*
I thought mine was too. This brought it back though. Darn it.
This. I thought mine was long gone.
If tiggy, Allyson, and I tell you how WRONG you are about the BBS, will it help, Narrator?